I want to create a modul, which needs some icons in existing sites/templates.
question: can a modul change an existing template?
of course it is possible by changing the file directly,
but when the user change the theme or may be the version,
it will kick my parts out
with my oxid-installation came a modul called “invoicepdf”,
when I activated it,
I found a new box in admin_order/order_overview
(PDF type…language…adobe-icon…)
but this box was in the template before I activated the modul
only switched out by [{ if $edit && $oView->canExport() }]
is this the only way,
to provide such an modul,
upload into the /module-path AND in then /out/admin/tpl -path?
sorry for my bad english
I hope it was understandable
thanks for your help