At least I could install Oxid version 4.8.7 and overwrite all files.
Now I get a red marker that permissions are not OK.
/log - /export - /out/pictures - /tmp
all have 777 recursive set
Never put the whole shop on 777.
Instead do the following to check correct permissions (they are depending on your server system and addons like suhosion):
In Oxid go to core/oxsysrequirements:
Locate ‘public function ckeckServerPermissions’ and add around line 374 ‘echo $sPathToCheck’.
Code Snippet:
$sPathToCheck = next( $aPathsToCheck );
// next line shows in Admin Systemhealth the path to possible access rights problems
echo $sPathToCheck;
return $iModStat;
Then you can see permission issues in Admin > Service > Systemhealth but only one at a time. So you have check again and again while solving issues step by step.
To install any Oxid-Version on my root servers, I set folder/file access rights under Debian with shell scripts, where pathes need to be adjusted to the shop-version of course:
Thanks to another opensource project where this is being checked, I found that the moment the functions are no longer disabled, Oxid started as it should.