We need a module on Sofortüberweisung payment. Someone suggested that it available as a downloadable module on the internet. Accordingly, we had downloaded one such module from http://www.tro.net/sofortueberweisung/. However, this module is encrypted with the Zend optimizer. So, in order to use it, we need to have the Zend optimizer on the server
Is there any other freeware Sofortüberweisung payment modules available for download?
Thank you
Unfortunately, not that I know so far. Hence, there are three options left 
[li]Use the tro:net module as it is and install the Zend Optimizer, latest version which shall not be that difficult.
[/li][li]As it is available for free, convince tro:net to opensource their module 
[/li][li]Make your own module. Maybe Vikram’s tutorial about the Authorize.Net implementation is helpful: http://devzone.zend.com/article/4780-Accepting-Credit-Card-Payments-with-OXID-eShop-CE-and-Authorize.Net[/ul]
[/li]If you want to document your work, feel free to add your own tutorial there. It’s a simple MediaWiki, the way it works is described here: