Payment problems after design changes

I got a payment problem. After I changed the design in Orderstep 3, there are some cases, where I can’t take an order anymore. In this case, I try to take an order and nothing happens in the shop, when i want to go to the next step. It only writes some data in the url and don’t let me go further to the next step.

Now, i am looking for a solution, but I can’t find any big changes, that i made.

I made changes in payment.tpl, steps.tpl and added 2 new modules. One is a design-module and the other one exchanging a grey box with radio buttons.

Any ideas which one of these is the bad guy?

at first deactivate the modules and try to place an order.
If it still does not work, revert your changes and try again.
you also might check browser console output for some javascript errors, webserver error log and shop exception log for some additional information what exactly went wrong.

and just an advice: contineously test your shop functions after making changes and adding new modules, so you will notice the problems early and will know the cause.

I realised, that a module, that i deactivated is essential.

It overwrite the block change_payment.

What of the following code could be so essential, that it destroys the payment steps:

[{oxstyle include=$oViewConf->getModuleUrl(“hi_orderstep3”, “src/styles/orderstep3.css”)}]

[{Disabled theese 2 scripts because necessary for additional info}]
[{oxscript include=“js/widgets/oxpayment.js” priority=10 }]
[{oxscript add="$( ‘#payment’ ).oxPayment();"
[{oxscript include=“js/widgets/oxinputvalidator.js” priority=10 }]
[{oxscript add="$(‘form.js-oxValidate’).oxInputValidator();"}]
<form action="[{ $oViewConf->getSslSelfLink() }]" class=“js-oxValidate payment” id=“payment” name=“order” method=“post”>
[{ $oViewConf->getHiddenSid() }]
[{ $oViewConf->getNavFormParams() }]
<input type=“hidden” name=“cl” value="[{ $oViewConf->getActiveClassName() }]">
<input type=“hidden” name=“fnc” value=“validatepayment”>

[{if $oView-&gt;getPaymentList()}]
	[{*&lt;h3 id="paymentHeader" class="blockHead"&gt;[{ oxmultilang ident="PAGE_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_PAYMENT" }]&lt;/h3&gt;*}]
	[{ assign var="inptcounter" value="-1"}]
	[{foreach key=sPaymentID from=$oView-&gt;getPaymentList() item=paymentmethod name=PaymentSelect}]
		[{ assign var="inptcounter" value="`$inptcounter+1`"}]
		[{block name="select_payment"}]
			[{if $sPaymentID == "oxidcashondel"}]
				[{include file="page/checkout/inc/payment_oxidcashondel.tpl"}]
			[{elseif $sPaymentID == "oxidcreditcard"}]
				[{include file="page/checkout/inc/payment_oxidcreditcard.tpl"}]
			[{elseif $sPaymentID == "oxiddebitnote"}]
				[{include file="page/checkout/inc/payment_oxiddebitnote.tpl"}]
				[{include file="page/checkout/inc/payment_other.tpl"}]

	[{include file="page/checkout/inc/trustedshops.tpl"}]

	[{block name="checkout_payment_nextstep"}]
		[{if $oView-&gt;isLowOrderPrice()}]
			&lt;div class="lineBox clear"&gt;
			&lt;div&gt;&lt;b&gt;[{ oxmultilang ident="PAGE_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_MINORDERPRICE" }] [{ $oView-&gt;getMinOrderPrice() }] [{ $currency-&gt;sign }]&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
			&lt;div class="lineBox clear"&gt;
				&lt;a href="[{ oxgetseourl ident=$oViewConf-&gt;getOrderLink() }]" class="prevStep submitButton largeButton" id="paymentBackStepBottom"&gt;[{ oxmultilang ident="PAGE_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_BACKSTEP" }]&lt;/a&gt;
				&lt;button type="submit" name="userform" class="submitButton nextStep largeButton" id="paymentNextStepBottom"&gt;[{ oxmultilang ident="PAGE_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_NEXTSTEP" }]&lt;/button&gt;

[{elseif $oView-&gt;getEmptyPayment()}]
	[{block name="checkout_payment_nopaymentsfound"}]
		&lt;div class="lineBlock"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
		&lt;h3 id="paymentHeader" class="blockHead"&gt;[{ oxmultilang ident="PAGE_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_INFO" }]&lt;/h3&gt;
		[{ oxmultilang ident="PAGE_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_EMPTY_TEXT" }]
		&lt;input type="hidden" name="paymentid" value="oxempty"&gt;
		&lt;div class="lineBox clear"&gt;
			&lt;a href="[{ oxgetseourl ident=$oViewConf-&gt;getSelfLink()|cat:"cl=user" }]" class="prevStep submitButton largeButton"&gt;[{ oxmultilang ident="PAGE_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_BACKSTEP" }]&lt;/a&gt;
			&lt;button type="submit" name="userform" class="submitButton nextStep largeButton" id="paymentNextStepBottom"&gt;[{ oxmultilang ident="PAGE_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_NEXTSTEP" }]&lt;/button&gt;
