Phpstorm + Xdebug + Oxid VM + OXID 6 - configuration

I have question.
I want to setup my Phpstorm with Xdebug on Oxid VM. I have some problems :frowning: i really don’t know how to do this…
Anybody help?
Maybe some short insctruction?


what exactly are your problems?

Instructions can be found here: Configuring Xdebug in PhpStorm Help

I use Xdebug with PhpStorm, with Oxid running in a VM, and PhpStorm on Windows.


  1. I have installed oxid vm base with php7 and xdebug
  2. i’m using chrome with extensions: jetbrains IDE support and Xdebug helper
  3. this is path i’m using to open main site from vm:
  4. Some screens:

    Probably i have some problems with mapping folders/paths… but i cant see this

any suggestions?

Ok. i think run xdebug!
main index.php file works but when i try to debug controller from my module i have an error with extending class:
Fatal error: Class ‘OxidEsales\Eshop\Application\Controller\FrontendController’ not found

but above i have: "use \OxidEsales\Eshop\Application\Controller\FrontendController;"
Anobody could explain me this?
Is it any problem with autoloading?

PHP7, module metadata 1.1