Problem with translation

Did you try to change the charset to iso-8859-2 in _header.tpl?

Otherwise I had to pass. It’s not just a bit of hacking the code… :frowning:

Marco Steinhäuser
Community Guide
OXID eSales AG

Talked to Tomas about it: Pls. check oxCategory::_setFieldData()

Marco Steinhäuser
Community Guide
OXID eSales AG

I modified the line that converts rawValue to htmlentities so it doesn’t convert it at all. And it works :slight_smile: I hope I didn’t screwe up some other part of the program. I think doing this conversion for strings that contain html entities is a bug, pls think abount fixing it some way.

    public function __get( $sName )
        switch ( $sName ) {
            case 'rawValue':
                return $this->value;
            case 'value':
                if (is_string($this->rawValue)) {
                    $this->value = $this->rawValue; //htmlspecialchars($this->rawValue);
                } else {
                    // TODO: call htmlentities for each (recursive ???)
                    $this->value = $this->rawValue;
                if ($this->rawValue == $this->value) {
                return $this->value;
                return null;

And thanks for the tip :slight_smile:

What is the best place I could upload the slovak translation file Erika made? I think it could be usefull to other people

As we still have no exchange service, would you like to send it directly to me? I am collecting that stuff… :wink:


Marco Steinhäuser
Community Guide
OXID eSales AG