Problem with zoom images


i am using oxid ce 4.5.4_39463

i have imported 1400 articles from an (very) older version of oxid. everything works fine, but i can not find the right place for the zoom images.

i have uploaded one image from the backend to see where the zoom images are stored. i found the generated zoom image in folder out/pictures/generated/product/1/665_665_75/

i have seen that the zoom images now have the same name as the ‘normal’ article images. that means the name ends not anymore with _z1. because of that i wrote a script that renamed all my zoom images from image_z1.jpg to image_p1.jpg. but when i put the images in the folder out/pictures/generated/product/1/665_665_75/ they are not shown in the frontend (cache is empty).

what am i doing wrong ?


Did you know the tutorial?

yes, i know this page but (i am sorry) it does not tell me where i have to put my zoom image to see it in the frontpage …

the new “out/pictures” folder structure does not answer my question.
should it ?

somewhere in the tutorial there is mentioned a script which sorts the old pictures into the new structure

Normally it is enough to put in only the Master-Picture, as the complete set is generated on-the-fly.

And maybe this can help?

After the update you see no or broken images in your shop

  • check if your “.htaccess” file contains these lines (must be inserted between <IfModule mod_rewrite.c></IfModule> tags):
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (/out/pictures/)
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule (.jpg|.gif|.png)$ core/utils/getimg.php

  • check if your server supports “.htaccess” instructions;

  • check if “/out/”, “/out/pictures/” don’t contain other “.htaccess” files disabling the rewrite rules;

  • set permission on files/folders in “/out/pictures/”. Recommended value “0777”;

thanks for the tipp, but this module works only until version 4.5.1, i have 4.5.4_39463 running and i have already the new folder structure. so it does not really help me.

problem solved.

the picture you want to use has to be in folder

than the zoom picture will be automatically created on the fly in folder

thanks for the help !