Problems after updating to 4.2

After updating from 4.1.6 to 4.2 we are getting some errors in the admin.
When loging in to the admin the first error mesage is
Next error: Grundeinstellungen-System-Varianten: ERROR : Translation for SHOP_SYSTEM_USEMULTIDIMENSIONVARIANTS not found!

Our shop is in three languages, is there any specific file except the language file that has to be translated for this update?


Hello René,

the named above message is a warning that your is still writable. Please set it to 0644 using your FTP programm.

Also, the warning should appear in your proper language. Take care you updated your Admin lang file as well…

BTW: How is it about the Swedish language file? :wink:


Sorry, but where exactly do I make this change?
I have opened the and tried to figure out where to make the change. :confused:


PS. At the moment the swedish lang file is not up to date. As soon as our shop is running and working I will set it free. . . . . . :wink:

[QUOTE=Marco Steinhäuser;17695]Hello René,

the named above message is a warning that your is still writable. Please set it to 0644 using your FTP programm.

Also, the warning should appear in your proper language. Take care you updated your Admin lang file as well…

BTW: How is it about the Swedish language file? :wink:


[QUOTE=Palmer;17774]PS. At the moment the swedish lang file is not up to date. As soon as our shop is running and working I will set it free. . . . . . ;-)[/QUOTE]

cool :slight_smile:

See my screensht. Using e.g. Filezilla as FTP client, mark the file, right click and go to file permissions.