Render problem after installing a module

Anyone knows why i have this render problem?
Everything is working only the names in the backend are not rendered.

Thank you.

Check if module language files for admin are valid. Shop can’t pull translations anymore, so I’d display translation keys instead

I have problem with extending the language class, in metadata i have
‘extend’ => array(
‘language’ => ‘langmanager/core/langmanager_language’,

Installed Shop Modules it says -


Right now im extendins the LanguageController…but thats not what i need.
I want to extend the Language class…not the Language Controller…
Its an old module, if i add this into the core everything its fine but i don’t want to change anything in the core of the framework.
Anyone knows how should i name this to make a successful extension?

“language” always has been a controller, so probably therefore its mapped to the new controller/language class.
You should use version 2 of module metadata and namespaces, otherwise i know no way to tell the shop you want core/language instead of controller language.
You might try using “oxlang” instead of “language”, maybe the backward compatibility layer can handle that

I tried with oxlang but like that i have the problem with rendering the names in the backend.
So now i need to add \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Language::class => \module\langmanager\core\Langmanager_language::class,

and in the Langmanager_language class i should add
namespace OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core;
use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core\Language;
Sorry for this, i’m new with namespaces.

translation problem might be caused by another incompatibility in your extension for Language class.
(so basically extending oxlang works, but your custom code does not)

Have you already checked error logs?

You would add: namespace module\langmanager\core.

I need to add for example; namespace demo; in the Langmanager_language class , and after that in the metadata \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Language::class => demo\foldername\modules\langmanager\core\Langmanager_language::class
Something like this?

[type E_ERROR] [file /var/www/html/oxid604/source/modules/euro/langmanager/core/langmanager_oxlang.php] [line 31] [code ] [message Class ‘euro\langmanager\core\Langmanager_Oxlang_parent’ not found]
I have this error now, i added a namespace in Langmanager_Oxlang class - namespace euro\langmanager\core;
and in my metadata - \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Language::class => euro\langmanager\core\Langmanager_Oxlang::class,

anyone can help?

Can you provide a working module skeleton where the error can be reproduced?

'extend' => array (                       
  \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Language::class => \OxidEsales\euro\langmanager\core\Langmanager_Oxlang::class, 

i need to load this class but i have problem when i go to activate the module it says :
Problematic files -

  • OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Language => OxidEsales\euro\langmanager\core\Langmanager_Oxlang

anyone have any idea how can i solve this?

I forgot to add the composer.json into the module…
now i have the composer.json
this is my metadata.php

And i still have error class not found…

After playing with names and changing the class names and composer, i get an error LangManager_OxLang_parent not found.

I tried with empty class
class Language extends Language_parent
and in metadata 1.1 - oxid shop 6.12 version
‘extend’ => array(
‘oxlang’ => ‘project/myModule/core/Language’,

and im still getting when i try to active the module
Problematic Files in:
OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Language => project/myModule/core/Language

Anyone can give me a hint about this?

On the oxid 6.0 everything is working correctly but on oxid 6.1.1 i have problem with
Function ‘setLanguageFileData’ does not exist or is not accessible! (OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core\Language)
and metadata is
metadata version = ‘1.1’;
‘extend’ => array(
‘oxlang’ => ‘module/langmanager/core/langmanager_oxlang’,

anyone know why i have this error in oxid 6.1.1 - OXID Logger.ERROR: Function ‘setLanguageFileData’ does not exist or is not accessible! (OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core\Language)