Retrieve product info through variants list

Hi Community,

I am pretty new to oxid and at the moment struggling with the following issue.
In short: I am looking for a way to find a product through the information given in a variants list.

With more details:
Displaying product-variants is initiated through the line

[{assign var="aVariantSelections" value=$product->getVariantSelections(null,null,1)}]

(which I find in \application\views\azure pl\widget\product\ )
Then later in the same file the displaying of the variants is done in a loop like

[{foreach from=$aVariantSelections.selections item=oSelectionList key=iKey}]

What I need is to verify for each variant if the article is actualy buyable (in stock).
So I somehow have to select a product by the information that is available in “aVariantSelections” and ask it for its buyability to then check in the posted foreach-loop if the variant should be displayed.
Unfortunately the main-setting in the backend for not displaying non-buyable variants is not an option in this case.

Any help would be very much appreciated.