We have a PE 4.3.2 here with problems regarding the load on the mysql server. There is a query often issued to the MySQL-Server, that computes the count of the devliverable products between 0 an 1000 Euros. The Query takes more than a minute and is causing high load in the server. Where does this query come from and how can we turn it off?
the query is:
select count(oxarticles.oxid) from oxarticles where oxarticles.oxid in (select if( oxparentid=’’, oxid, oxparentid ) as id from oxarticles where oxprice >= 0 and oxprice <= 1000 ) and oxarticles.oxissearch = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxactive = 1 and ( oxarticles.oxstockflag != 2 or ( oxarticles.oxstock + oxarticles.oxvarstock ) > 0 ) and IF( oxarticles.oxvarcount = 0, 1, ( select 1 from oxarticles as art where art.oxparentid=oxarticles.oxid and ( art.oxactive = 1 ) and ( art.oxstockflag != 2 or art.oxstock > 0 ) limit 1 ) ) );
TIA, Matthias