Top5 products on first page

I have problem with top5 prducts on firest page. When i choose in general setings to manual and I choose some products every works fine. When I choose in general setings to automatic top5 disapered.

New product in automatic mode works fine.

I have oxid 4.6.1_45706 and azure template.

Works perfectly in demoshop with “automatic” - is this a live shop or still in progress? Do you have made any orders already? Of course “automatic” can only work, if there are any products sold already.

Hi Hebsacker

Shop is still in progress. There are orders in shop.

Chacked once more time - when are manual it shows in front page and when i turn automatic mode it disapear.

Do you use stock management? It only works if you do:

I think this is the problem - I turned it off :wink:
Thanks leofonic