Just updated to CE 4.2.0 and the editor works.
I have a problem with 4.2 and tinymce. I can see the tinymce editor window in the admin area, but every time im trying to edit some content save it, the changes are discarded.
[QUOTE=kompozer;25189]I have a problem with 4.2 and tinymce. I can see the tinymce editor window in the admin area, but every time im trying to edit some content save it, the changes are discarded.[/QUOTE]
Check if the changed content is saved to your database. If not, please run oxchkversion to find possible mismatches of your files.
Hi folks!
I do not get showed the tinyMCE in the backend…
- downloaded TinyMCE for OXID eShop Ver. >= 4.3 (0.4) - our shop is 4.3.2
- uploaded all files of “copy_this” and the “change_full”
- added the 4 lines in the backend to “modules”
- flushed the tmp folder
- logged out and logged in again
… but no tinyMCE Editor-Box in the backend… :eek:
- flushed the FF-cache -> no effect
- checked the oxid-forums -> no effect
- checked the FF console -> “tinyMCE is null”
- googled for “TinyMCE is null” -> http://www.oxid-esales.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2830#post17227
- changed with hard link -> no effect
Did I miss anything?
Why on earth does the editor box not show up?
We use the fck_editor module for all our projects and the module works quite well as far as v.4.4.3
HTH, Ashant
Awesome - just copied the files of FCKeditor and put in the lines in the backend… works like a charm.
No tmp flushing, no cache flushing - this is real plug and play!