We were able to migrate a customer’s xt:commerce data to OXID 4.2. Some notes on our blog.
A couple of questions lingering are…
- Can the active/inactive state of variants preserved?
- How to deal with the thumbnail product images, since they appear broken in the resultant OXID shop
Thank you
Hello Ashant,
like bespoken: Best would be to have the xtc2oxid module + avanger’s improvements to it (somewhere here in the forum) + your experience as a new project on
- a couple of people could help making the module even better and
- it remains maintainable for upcoming versions
Yes of course, you could be the one to start the project
The xtc2oxid script migrates the Article “Short Description” field with HTML tags (which are permissible in XTC, but not in OXID).
It would be better if the xtc2oxid script removed the HTML tags from this field.