Teil 2:
if (locale !== 'en_gb') {
output = protocol + '//cdn.klarna.com/public/images/' + country + '/badges/v1/' + product + '/' + country + '_' + product + '_badge_std_blue.png?width=' + width;
} else {
output = protocol + '//cdn.klarna.com/public/images/global/logos/v1/' + product + '/global_' + product + '_logo_std_blue-black.png?width=' + width;
return output;
function isUndefined(obj) {
return obj === void 0;
function style(el) {
if (hasGetComputedStyle) {
return window.getComputedStyle(el, null);
return el.currentStyle;
function offset(el) {
var doc = el.ownerDocument.documentElement,
offsetParent = el.offsetParent,
parentOffset = {top: 0, left: 0};
if (style(el).position === 'fixed') {
return {
'top': el.offsetTop,
'left': el.offsetLeft
while (offsetParent && style(offsetParent).position === 'static') {
offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
offsetParent = offsetParent || doc;
if (offsetParent.nodeName !== 'HTML') {
parentOffset = offset(offsetParent);
return {
'top': parentOffset.top + el.offsetTop,
'left': parentOffset.left + el.offsetLeft
function on(elem, ev, fun) {
if (elem.addEventListener) {
elem.addEventListener(ev, fun, false);
} else {
elem.attachEvent('on' + ev, fun);
function off(elem, ev, fun) {
if (elem.addEventListener) {
elem.removeEventListener(ev, fun, false);
} else {
elem.detachEvent('on' + ev, fun);
* Get the dimensions of the viewport.
function viewport() {
var de = document.documentElement,
yoff = window.pageYOffset || de.scrollTop,
xoff = window.pageXOffset || de.scrollLeft,
height = window.innerHeight || de.clientHeight,
width = window.innerWidth || de.clientWidth;
return {
bottom: yoff + height,
right: xoff + width
// Toast lazy loading
/*ignore jslint start*/
this.toast = function(){var e=document,t=e.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],n=this.setTimeout,r="createElement",i="appendChild",s="addEventListener",o="onreadystatechange",u="styleSheet",a=10,f=0,l=function(){--f},c,h=function(e,r,i,s){if(!t)n(function(){h(e)},a);else if(e.length){c=-1;while(i=e[++c]){if((s=typeof i)=="function"){r=function(){return i(),!0};break}if(s=="string")p(i);else if(i.pop){p(i[0]),r=i[1];break}}d(r,Array.prototype.slice.call(e,c+1))}},p=function(n,s){++f,/\.css$/.test(n)?(s=e[r]("link"),s.rel=u,s.href=n,t[i](s),v(s)):(s=e[r]("script"),s.src=n,t[i](s),s[o]===null?s[o]=m:s.onload=l)},d=function(e,t){if(!f)if(!e||e()){h(t);return}n(function(){d(e,t)},a)},v=function(e){if(e.sheet||e[u]){l();return}n(function(){v(e)},a)},m=function(){/ded|co/.test(this.readyState)&&l()};h(arguments)};
/*ignore jslint end*/
// Iterate through the script tags in the page
scriptTags = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
klarna.cdnRoot + '/css/all.css',
function () {
for (i = 0; i < scriptTags.length; i++) {
if (/klarna/.test(getDataAttribute(scriptTags[i], 'vendor'))) {
var scriptTag = scriptTags[i];
// Check we haven't processed this one already and we want to show a tooltip
if (scriptTag.processed) {
scriptTag.processed = true;
setDefault(scriptTag, function (scriptTag) {
addLink(scriptTag, function (link) {
if (getDataAttribute(scriptTag, 'tooltip') !== 'hide') { // Show the hover
addHover(link, getTooltipLogo(klarna.cdnRoot, scriptTag.dataset.eid, scriptTag.dataset.locale, scriptTag.dataset.product, scriptTag.dataset.width), function (span) {
var url = getUrl(scriptTag.dataset.eid, scriptTag.dataset.locale, scriptTag.dataset.product),
content = getContent(url),
origClassName = span.className;
if (!!window.postMessage && JSON && JSON.stringify) {
link.onmouseover = function () {
var data = {
state: 'active',
uri: '' + window.location
content.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data), url);
link.onmouseout = function () {
var data = {
state: 'inactive',
uri: '' + window.location
content.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data), url);
function outsideFixup () {
var className = origClassName,
vp = viewport(),
width = 394,
height = 180,
if (!span || !span.parentNode) {
off(window, 'scroll', outsideFixup);
off(window, 'resize', outsideFixup);
span = null;
if (span.parentNode.offsetParent == null) {
setTimeout(outsideFixup, 200);
parentOffset = offset(span.parentNode);
if (width + parentOffset.left + 60 > vp.right) {
className += ' outside';
if (parentOffset.top + 200 > vp.bottom) {
className += ' outside-horizontal';
span.className = className;
setTimeout(outsideFixup, 0);
on(window, 'scroll', outsideFixup);
on(window, 'resize', outsideFixup);
} else { // Remove the hover
addHover(link, getTooltipLogo(klarna.cdnRoot, scriptTag.dataset.eid, scriptTag.dataset.locale, scriptTag.dataset.product, scriptTag.dataset.width), function (span) {