Add action to checkbox field

So I have added a new checkbox field in the product main area . how do I add an action to the checkbox field ?

What kind of action do you mean?
-Save value
-Change view

I want to call a function when I check the checkbox.

are you familiar with webprogramming and stuff like javascript and mvc php?

You could do the following:

<form method="post" action="[{ $oViewConf->getSelfActionLink() }]" name="_actionform" id="actionform">
<input type="hidden" name="cl" value="[{ $oViewConf->getActiveClassName() }]">
        <input type="hidden" name="tpl" value="[{ $oViewConf->getActTplName() }]">
        <input type="hidden" name="fnc" value="yourfnc">

<input type="checkbox" name="your_action" onchange="$('#actionform').submit();">

The checkbox sends your form and starts the function (methode) yourfnc();

<td class=“edittext” width=“120”>
Show saving information ?
<td class=“edittext”>
<input class=“edittext” type=“hidden” name=“editval[oxarticles__oxsavinginfo]” value=‘0’>
<input class=“edittext” type=“checkbox” name=“editval[oxarticles__oxsavinginfo]” value=‘1’ [{if $edit->oxarticles__oxsavinginfo->value == 1}]checked[{/if}] [{ $readonly }]>

This is my code. I have extended the block of main article form and I have also added the checkbox field column into the database. Now how do I call a function with this checkbox?

I have extended the article_main class form and added a new checkbox field into the form. Now when I check the the checkbox and save the form, the checkbox is not saved. How do I save the checkbox value ?


// checkbox handling
        if ( !isset( $aParams['pl_abonnement__oxabo_on']))
            $aParams['pl_abonnement__oxabo_on'] = 0;

you also need to update database views to see the values, because oxid fetches the data from the views and not from the original tables.

and please stay in your original thread, there in no need to start new topic every couple of hours.

you could have a look at my module for a working example: