Add another just arrived bar oxid


I want to add a second or another bar of “just arrived” in oxid eshop. How can i do it ?


do you want to copy this bar and display completely differen products from another another action or do you just want to display more of the “just arrived” products in sescond row?

Hi thunder,

I want to copy this bar and display completely differen products from another action


in this case you can simply copy the html code ( ) but you will need a function for loading articles for your particular action

In case of “just arrived” there is “getNewestArticles()” function, which loads products and passes them to the widget/product/list.tpl tempalte (line 36)

something like that should do the work:

        [{assign var="actionproducts" value="oxarticlelist"|oxnew }]
    [{if $actionproducts }]
        [{assign var='rsslinks' value=$oView->getRssLinks() }]
        [{include file="widget/product/list.tpl" type=$oViewConf->getViewThemeParam('sStartPageListDisplayType') head="Super Sale!" listId="newItems" products=$actionproducts rsslink=$rsslinks.newestArticles rssId="rssNewestProducts" showMainLink=true}]

this code will load products from action “newsletter”, which has oxId "oxnewsletter"
you will need to replace it with the oxId of your action

in this case you can simply copy the html code ( )

in which file and directory do i put the copy code ?
after do this, which file should i modify ?

Thank !

Depends on where you want to display the products

Ok, Thank !