Admin Panel Crash after adding many variants


How many variants a product can handle in the oxid eshop?? I’ve tried nearly 6 variants which have multiple and multiple options. Like colors and different heights and many more but when I apply it, the ADMIN PANEL was crashed. And now I won’t be able to access that product from admin panel. When I click on that product Admin panel was crashed in the end. Anyone can help me with that please??


Hi Abdullah :slight_smile:

any files with error messages under source/log directory?


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Hi Tim

I don’t know why this error starts coming.

2nd now my all products variants are not showing in dropdown menu.

I’m sorry but I’m facing a lot of problems handling Oxid eshop. Hope you don’t mind helping me. I think the 2nd problem is CSS problem and I’m trying to figure it out. If you know the solution then please let me know.


Hi Abdullah :slight_smile:

is this the parent article or a variant article?

Normally a tab template has a controller parameter in short form cl=… as hidden input field which via JavaScript called by click of tab.

How looks like your admin variants tab template?


OXID eShop Admin works with framesets

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Hi Tim

Thanks for replying and helping me a lot.

In my shop, in one tab I’ve these 5 parent products.

the highlighted (red) one have nearly 23 products in it. All those products are not accessible in Admin panel. When I search any product in admin panel and click on it, then I face the error. The error picture is attached below. For other products I’m not facing this error.


Maybe a data problem of the product or you have customise your variants tab… You have to debug in variants tab template in your test environment to reproduce the error, find the reason and fix the error.

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Hi Tim

Thanks I’ll try to do that

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Apparantly There is a 500 (Internal Server Error). In that case you should find a detailed error message in the web server error log.

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