Alternative Kurz-URLs einrichten (zB mit Artikelnummer)


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Zusätzlich zu den von Oxid erzeugten SEO-URLs möchten wir kurze URLs einrichten, die parallel fuktionieren sollen. Zunächst mit der Artikelnummer.


Dies läßt sich sicher über das mod_rewrite konfigurieren, aber wie?

Für jede Hilfe dankbar (auch an die Mods, das Thema evtl. ins richtige Forum zu verschieben),

Habe eine Lösung in den Tutorials gefunden:

Handling Legacy URLs

It’s worth noting that OXID’s current implementation of SEO-compliant URLs is different from that used in previous versions. Earlier versions of OXID used URLs like those in the examples below:



Since these older URLs would already be registered with search engines, users of older versions of OXID eShop would normally have a disincentive to upgrade to OXID eShop v4.x. To account for this, OXID eShop includes an oxseohistory table, whose purpose is to store the older URL structures and thereby provide a basis for mapping them to the newer SEO-optimized structures. When the oxSeoDecoder::processSeoCall() method receives a request for one of these older URLs from a search engine, it looks up the oxseohistory table for a match, sends the requesting client a 301 response code (page permanently moved) and redirects it to the new URL as retrieved from the oxseo table.

When a product or category name changes, OXID also automatically changes the corresponding SEO URL so that it reflects the new name. Another use of the oxseohistory table is to store the older SEO URL, so that requests for these older URLs are automatically and transparently redirected to the new URLs. The oxSeoEncoder::_copyToHistory() method takes care of transferring URLs from the oxseo table to the oxseohistory table.

Muß man also lediglich die gewünschte Kurz-URL in die Tabelle “oxseohistory” eintragen.

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