Can not modify text in footer template

In application/views/zinit/tpl/layout/footer.tpl I have such field [{oxmultilang ident=“VERSAND_ICON”}].
I want to change it value for Deutsche, but can not find a right way. I have founded it in such file tmp/oxpec_langcache_0_0_oxbaseshop_azure_default.txt.
But of course it gives only temporary effect.
Where it can be?

very thank you for quick answer. I think I have found solution.
But I also found in lang files smth like Ioncube. It seems like it loads some console script or smth else.
Can it be some virus or is it normal?

Standard lang files shipped with oxid shop are open source or at least should be.
Many module vendors encode php files with ioncube or zend guard to protect their code, which means they are the only people, who actually know whats inside the encrypted files.

Ok, I understand. Thanks.