Category SQL query

Anyone can tell me how to make a query for inserting categories into the shop?
INSERT INTO oxcategories(OXID, OXACTIVE, OXTITLE, OXTIMESTAMP) VALUES (oia9ff5c96f1f29d527b61202ece0877, 1, , TestCategory, NOW());
And it says - ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column ‘oia9ff5c96f1f29d527b61202ece0877’ in ‘field list’

Do not forget the ‘high comma’ and there is a comma too much:

INSERT INTO oxcategories(OXID, OXACTIVE, OXTITLE, OXTIMESTAMP) VALUES (‘oia9ff5c96f1f29d527b61202ece0877’, ‘1’,‘TestCategory’, NOW());

Thank you…my mistake…you were right.