Change article seo url

Hi All,

When ever we create any product in admin its seo url is automatically generated.
It generates like <category-name>/<article-name>.html

I want to change this seo url structure to belwo structure.
It should be generate like <category-name>/<article-name>-<brand-name>

Here, i don’t want ‘.html’ at last and want to add brand name also in url.

Can anybody help me to modify this functionality…?


the function you need to override is oxseoencoderarticlte::_prepareArticleTitle(). There you can manipulate the article part of the url. But i dont now how OXID reacts if article sides dont ends with .html


the function you need to override is oxseoencoderarticlte::_prepareArticleTitle(). There you can manipulate the article part of the url. But i dont now how OXID reacts if article sides dont ends with .html[/QUOTE]

Thanks @bhasis

I have done as you mentioned and it works for url that really helps thanks.
I have also removed .html but then it redirects to page not found error.

Can somebody help on this…?


maybe you need to clear tbl::oxseo and generate new urls (make a backup first :))