Change "Brand/Manufacturer" text

Hi Oxid forum!

My Eshop is for a publishing company and the only brand/manufacturer is that company itself. I would like to use these categories to search/display by “instrumentation” (its a music publishing company).

Basically, anywhere the text “brand/manufacturer” appears I want it to be replaced with “instrumentation”. I have searched the tpl files and administrative backend to no avail.

Anyone know what I’m missing?




you have to search in the lang.php (Translations), locaded in “shopdir/out/en” for the english translations(Azure Theme v.4.5) or in “shopdir/out/basic/en” für the old Themes. Its better to “overload” the main translation in lang.php by adding them into the cust_lang.php because of any update process that override the lang.php.


Bernd Hasis

Danke Bernd! Alles gefunden.

Die einzige fehlende Tipp ist, dass man alle Dateien in /tmp löschen muss um die Änderungen zu sehen.

Vielen Dank!

np. Yes of cause, forgot to say that clearing tmp is necessary, but remember thats it is allways necessary.

Bernd Hasis