Change colours in the template

Hi all,

I am using the azure template in a blank version to build my shop.

I am not a developer and have no sql experience etc. How difficult is it to change the whole colour setup in a template. E.g. lets say I would like all which is azure to be black and all that is orange to be grey.



you don’t need to be a developer and to know sql to change the colors. Actually all you need is: two hands, an editor like notepad++ , browser like chrome or firefox and some self-reliance combined with logical thinking.

sounds it hard or easy for you?


Two hands and self-reliance are there.

I am working on Mac. I have firefox. Is it also notepad++ for Mac?

I am open to learn as I don’t want to be relying on some one each time I need to change one field.


Hi again,

Got Notepad++ for Mac installing now.

would you be able to explain me how to do it?


you need the firefox addon “firebug”

i’m not very confident with mac but macs are computer, too, so it can’t be too hard :smiley:
i do not know about notepad++ alternative for mac, but have y look at

on my own, i use NetBeans, there is also a Mac Version of it: (the PHP version is the right one)
its nice, cause it supports syntax highlighting and smarty (language used in oxid tempaltes)
so you can use NetBeans to edit Templates and CSS files.

syntax highlighting (editra supports it, too) means, that you see the code this way:

<span class="big" style="color:red">here is some text</span>

instead of common way:

<span class="big" style="color:red">here is some text</span>

so if there is a syntax error like missing quote, you will see there is something wrong instead of searching for it lot of time:

<span class="big ##missing quote## style="color:red">here is some text</span>

ok, dou you have your shop running on a local or remote server?

It is running on a remote server.

I probably need to request access to it to be able to make these changes right?

yes, you need a ssh or ftp access
(and, depending on your administrator, also recursive read and write permissions for the folder out/ )

I have sent a mail to the hosting service requesting what you outlined above.

Will get back to you once I have the access.
