Change my Account Details?

How does one change the member account details?

I am trying to checkout PayPal which is in my account and I keep getting an error message that the delivery address must have a STREET number. Of course I can see the street number in the address but I tried to edit my details anyway but was unable to get in, each time getting “
Ups - ein Fehler ist aufgetreten!” or an error occurred.

Is there another link to download the PayPal module for the latest Oxid community version?

did you try via ?

Yeah tried it already -
Ups - ein Fehler ist aufgetreten!

strange - sorry, no idea what is going wrong here, works for me like a charme…

oh to be back in the Schwarzwald again…

Can you see why I cannot proceed with the cart for me since everything works well for you…
My address is shown as:
E-mail: don [at]

[edit]: just hided your address, Don. This forum is public :wink: (Marco)

Yet I am getting this error message:

Please click button “Change” and complete your adress details.
Streetnr field must not be empty.

As a moderator can you fix it for me. I can’t access it

moderator != administrator

but I will forward it

you know that street and number have to be filled into two seperate fields?

sure we know, but we cant change it cause the page crashes

Maybe the best way is for me to sign in as a new person and make sure I get all the insertions 100% correct although I was pretty sure I did the last time! (99,99%)

Hello to the forum… I am now re-registered to see if I can pass around the page crash