on which page do you want to have the sidebar on the elft side instead of the rigt side?
generally all templates are stored in the out/theme name e.g. azure/tpl/pages/
so if you want to change the detail page, look into the “details” folder and so on
<i have removed my url> you can see the "Test"box, i want that only on this site/category and i want it on the right.
okay, ill try to look into what you just wrote
Searched in \out\azure pl on my pc and there was only 1 file containing the sentence base.tpl within it, and thats /azure/tpl/page/shop/mallstart.tpl which didnt help adjusting…
edit: There is classes called : sidebarLeft & sidebarRight - how do i choose which one of these classes, it should be used in?
This works fine, but what if i need all but 1 to be left? how can i make one pages sidebar, floate to the right?
Under the category -> Text, i have the following, but that probably doesnt matter, since its the sidebar i want to have floated to the right:
you could try to enhance your content.tpl with something like this:
[{if $oContent->getId() == "oxid of the one page you want to have sidebar on the left side"}]
[{assign var name=sidebarposition value="left"}]
[{assign var name=sidebarposition value="right"}]
[{include file="layout/page.tpl" .. .sidebar=$sidebarposition ... }]
(havent tried if it really works, perhaps you have to replace $oContent with $oView )
Thanks for the replys.
Nothing happens, when i change stuff in /out/azure/tpl/page/info/[B]content.tpl[/B]. I was thinking it should be done in out/azure/tpl/layout/[B]sidebar.tpl[/B] :
<url removed> it doesnt move it on the right side of content and it even makes the content a lot widther, for some reason. but if i use firebug to make it smaller then normal, it still doesnt move it over at the right side. suggestions? maybe content is set to right or something with position, which im very bad at using.
well, your sidebar ist floating:left and your content is floating left. Next Problem: Your page element is 960px, your content 940px and your sidebar 172px. Make your content something like 748px and see what happens.
Before i added the above to float things around, then the css was the below, so i guess its set to just fill out the page and that i dont have to change the width of it, when we get the float part to work, so it will choose the correct width by itself:
well, your code seems to work proper. class=“sidebarright” is added correct (see screenshot)
Have you tried it with the original azure-template?
You can test it here http://oxid-tpl-debug.stahlwarenhaus-hebsacker.de/azure/Bekleidung/
Open your developer-tools and change the page class from sidebarleft to sidebarright - works excellent. Maybe you have made some other changes to your css or your templates that causes these error?
Edit: class=“sidebarleft” also doesn’t work on your page.