Copy article but do not copy few columns

There is a plugin which creates additional columns in “oxarticles” table and have some data for each article created by the plugin.

When i go to the “Administer Products > Products” and press “copy article” button it also copies that data created by the aforementioned plugin.

What i want to know is which part in this code in ArticleMain.php controller in core files is responsible for copying that data too? So when i extend this functionality via separate plugin , i could remove it.

PS: don’t know why sharing code snippets shows “403 error” that’s why sharing it via link.

i think i would unset this datain $_aFieldNames before save. Checkout what getUseSkipSaveFields() and setUseSkipSaveFields() is doing in BaseModel

         * Getting use skip fields or not
         * @return bool
        public function getUseSkipSaveFields()
            return $this->_blUseSkipSaveFields;

     * Setting use skip fields or not
     * @param bool $useSkipSaveFields - true or false
    public function setUseSkipSaveFields($useSkipSaveFields)
        $this->_blUseSkipSaveFields = $useSkipSaveFields;

How can i use them to achieve what i am trying to do i have no slightest idea. Sorry :sweat_smile:

sorry wrong direction, but maybe unsetting the fields from oxarticle object is doing the job.