Custom Category Page Module

Hello, I am working on a module to costumize the category pages in the backend, some specific categories are supposed to have a special look.
So far I have managed to display a new tab in the backend with checkboxes and inputs, which get saved on the oxcategories table.
Now I “just” have to make use of the entries.

[li]What is the best way to get a database value in oxid in PHP?
[/li][li]How can I display content from a custom class in a template on the frontend?
[/li][li]Can I set a globally accessable variable in the module?
[/li][li]I have to generate some CSS to override the existing styles, since the values are variable I have to implement the styles in the templates/head. Is there a solution to implement it with something like [{oxstyle add=".class{color: red;}"}] ?

feel free to answer in German, since I’m from Germany :slight_smile:

If you are from Germany i would suggest to post to german forum, as it’s more frequented.

[QUOTE=leofonic;175355]If you are from Germany i would suggest to post to german forum, as it’s more frequented.[/QUOTE]
Alright thanks, I’ve created a translated thread over there :slight_smile:

Link to thread in german forum: