Database issue while Updating the shop from 4.10.2 to 6.2.3

Good Morning,

I have planned to update my shop from version CE 4.10.2 to 6.2.3. As an initial step, I started updating the shop to version 6 then from there i will go for the latest version(as per the suggestions in the forum) .

I installed the new shop transferred the files and database and ran the sql migration commands as per the below document

Now, the shop installed with blank page and at the admin it is showing like the below picture.

In the exception log it is showing the below error can anyone help me resolving this issue?:

[20 May 04:21:27.706635 2021] [exception] [type OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\DatabaseErrorException] [code 1146] [file /www/htdocs/w00d7012/newshop/vendor/oxid-esales/oxideshop-ce/source/Core/Database/Adapter/Doctrine/Database.php] [line 938] [message Table 'd0367528.oxconfig' doesn't exist]

[20 May 04:21:27.706635 2021] [exception] [stacktrace] #0 /www/htdocs/w00d7012/newshop/vendor/oxid-esales/oxideshop-ce/source/Core/Database/Adapter/Doctrine/Database.php(1011): OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core\Database\Adapter\Doctrine\Database->convertException(Object(Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\TableNotFoundException))
[20 May 04:21:27.706635 2021] [exception] [stacktrace] #1 /www/htdocs/w00d7012/newshop/vendor/oxid-esales/oxideshop-ce/source/Core/Config.php(547): OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core\Database\Adapter\Doctrine\Database->getAll(‘select\n …’)
[20 May 04:21:27.706635 2021] [exception] [stacktrace] #2 /www/htdocs/w00d7012/newshop/vendor/oxid-esales/oxideshop-ce/source/Core/Config.php(382): OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core\Config->_loadVarsFromDb(1)
[20 May 04:21:27.706635 2021] [exception] [stacktrace] #3 /www/htdocs/w00d7012/newshop/vendor/oxid-esales/oxideshop-ce/source/Core/ShopControl.php(554): OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core\Config->init()
[20 May 04:21:27.706635 2021] [exception] [stacktrace] #4 /www/htdocs/w00d7012/newshop/vendor/oxid-esales/oxideshop-ce/source/Core/ShopControl.php(131): OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core\ShopControl->_runOnce()
[20 May 04:21:27.706635 2021] [exception] [stacktrace] #5 /www/htdocs/w00d7012/newshop/vendor/oxid-esales/oxideshop-ce/source/Core/Oxid.php(26): OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core\ShopControl->start()
[20 May 04:21:27.706635 2021] [exception] [stacktrace] #6 /www/htdocs/w00d7012/newshop/source/index.php(15): OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core\Oxid::run()
[20 May 04:21:27.706635 2021] [exception] [stacktrace] #7 {main}

Hi. Is it (table oxconfig) missing?
Why OXID 6.0.6 ? Training ?

Hi @rubbercut ,

It is there,

Sorry, no idea. Yesterday I updated a shop to 6.23 and 6.30 from 4.10.4 without any problems. But I started with 6.23 (your environment looks like, right?). Maybe it is due to the php version.

Yeah, it is all-inkl. I am using php version 7.0. Previously, I have also migrated a shop from 4.10.6 to 6.2.2 in the same way, that process went smooth. I could not figure out the issue here. by the way i have a question can we directly update the shop from 4.10.2 to latest version? If yes, then what are steps that, do you know?


an update from 4.10 to 6.2 always means a new installation. It should be checked whether something is still missing in the database: GitHub - OXIDprojects/ancient-update-packages: ancient update packages for OXID eShop

After the installation, the database must be processed with the two scripts (migrate & cleanup)

Delete old module information.
Then switch the to the “old” database. Update views.

SSH: vendor / bin / oe-eshop-db_migrate migrations: migrate

Reinstall modules via composer. Finished.

okay thanks @rubbercut , i will try this

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