Error message from PayPal: The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts

Hello everyone,

When I am trying to buy something on my page using PayPal payment method, I am receiving following error:
“Error message from PayPal: The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts.”

But, Grand Total for the order is 184,50 € in the last step of the checkout. Also, when the checkbox ‘Display Cart’ is not checked and I am directly redirected to PayPal, Total on PayPal page is also 184,50 €.

So, I cannot understand what is wrong…

Thanks for your help!

maybe the reason is that PayPal can not handle e.g. 0.5 kilogram - just integer.

So, there should be some setup or PayPal cannot handle decimal numbers…

there is no update or any other workaround. You have to disable the checkbox ‘Display Cart’

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Yes, but one more small question related to this topic.
I was notified from Geizhals, that my exported products will not be listed because of that PayPal costs are not added to Grand Total and because of the Error from PayPal.
So, I am not sure if I disable the PayPal Checkbox, will they list my products…

Thanks for your help.

I dont know. The best will be to direct this question to Geizhals

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Okay, thanks for your help.