Hello everyone,
I have a problem when as a customer I want to buy some product,
if I choose “Show Cart”, then I am able to enter the coupon code (If I enter the correct code it’s working properly), but If I choose “Checkout”, then I am not able to enter the coupon code (Input field for coupon code is missing).
Maybe by default, OXID allow entering coupon codes only in cart, but not in checkout?
Thank you.
Right. That’s because the checkout starts at stage 2, stage 1 would be the cart display 
Can I found this somewhere in OXID official documentation?
Because I have to explain this to one of my customers…
I’m afraid not. This is a feature that doesn’t exist - why to document it? 
Simply change the target of the Button cl=payment:
<p class="functions clear">
[{if $oxcmp_user}]
<a href="[{ oxgetseourl ident=$oViewConf->getSelfLink()|cat:"cl=payment" }]" class="submitButton largeButton">[{ oxmultilang ident="CHECKOUT" }]</a>
<a href="[{ oxgetseourl ident=$oViewConf->getSelfLink()|cat:"cl=user" }]" class="submitButton largeButton">[{ oxmultilang ident="CHECKOUT" }]</a>
<a href="[{ oxgetseourl ident=$oViewConf->getSelfLink()|cat:"cl=basket" }]" class="textButton">[{ oxmultilang ident="DISPLAY_BASKET" }]</a>
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