Global variables for diffrent paths

Is there any global variables or any other ways in which I can gain access to folder paths to e.g. the modules folder?

When I use e.g. getcwd() I get the path: ‘/oxid/admin’ but I cant move upwards in the folder structure because of php.ini config settings this creates a problem. Which will create a problem.

VirtueMart has these kinds of global vars for accessing diffrent folders like the classpath var: CLASSPATH. That will generate the path to the class files folder.

Yay :slight_smile: I accidentally found it in core/oxdb.php.
Its: ‘getShopBasePath()’. The call to the functions seems to be accessible from anywhere just out of the box, like alot of things in Oxid which is nice :slight_smile:

Right. And thanks for your feed back :slight_smile:
