I am developing a shop on a local unix machine and I have a rented unix machine in the cloud as the production server.
Is there a “how to” guide with the exact steps for copying between development and production machines ?
I thought it was as simple as copying the web files and the database (like this http://www.oxidforge.org/wiki/Tutorials/How_to_move_a_database_bigger_2MB) but I can’t make it work…
It should be as simple as copying the web files and the database, but you have to edit config.inc.php (database info and paths) to make it work.
To make shure the new server meets the system requirements and to get a working config.inc.php, you can make a fresh install (same version of course), overwrite DB and files, but skip config.inc.php, then delete all files in tmp-Folder.
Thanks Leofonic - I thought it must be that simple…