How to redirect to PayPal page when paying with PayPal?

Good afternoon,

Could you please tell me if the PayPal Module automatically redirects to the PayPay site for paying when the PayPal payment method is activated?

When I select the PayPal payment method for paying on my site, it doesn’t redirect me to the PayPal site to execute the payment, but instead it approves my order as finished. I have seen it on other sites that it takes them to the PayPal site. Is this done automatically, or do I need to do it manually?

Thank you,

You should be redirected from Step 3 of the shop’s shopping cart to the Paypal-Site and after successful payment you should be redirected to Step 4 where you can finish the order.

Hey Phillinger,

Do you have any ideas what could the problem be and how to fix it?

Thank you very much!

You need to provide some information first, e.g. Shop Version, theme, which PayPal module, it’s version, other modules + customization

Hey Vanilla Thunder,

oxid eshop: 4.7.8
theme: customized,
modules for payment: Paypal with IPN feature v1.19 and BetterPayment