I have problem with installation oxideshop-project version 6.3

I have set up environment to install oxide shop-project version 6.3 but after i run command composer create-project --no-dev oxid-esales/oxideshop-project your_project_name dev-b-6.3-pe display error: The “https://professional-edition.packages.oxid-esales.com/packages.json” file could not be downloaded (HTTP/2 429 ). How happened this? How to solve it?
errorpackage — Postimages

I can’t explain why you get error 429.
Firstly, for the (paid) professional edition you need a valid username and passwort to access the PE repository. You get this from OXID when you purchase the license. If you just want to try OXID, then it may be easier to use the Community Edition (replace 6.3-pe by 6.3-ce). For production use you will need a license, too, as far as I know.

Secondly, you will get difficulties with running OXID on Windows. Better use Linux in a virtual machine. I can recommend VirtualBox with vagrant.

This means that you are encountering a rate limit. Perhaps you have tried too often or your IP/location is generally blocked.

Edit: If the block lasts longer, it is best to contact OXID Support.