there is a iPayment-module to do credit-card-transactions. The problem is that the transaction stuck on the 3. step of the payment. I get the information, that not all fields are correctly, but that isnt true.
The module have a mode to simulate transaction. You can fill in the creditcardnumber and a checking number of the creditcard. The checking number is variable and you can choose what u want because there isnt any credit card. Its just a simulation. But there a some creditcardnumbers for the simulation. I filled in the right number but and a random checking number but i get the same answer.
Please help me as fast as possible.
I use the oxid ce 4.3.0 and the ipayment module is the 1.0.17 from 1&1 from Germany. I use the old version of oxid because the current version of the module isnt compatible with the latest version of oxid.