An external link(index.php?cl=marketplace . its a designer module on my site) isnt current/active, when its open, as categories are (for some reason), and i wonder how i can do, so it will be that? same problem with [B]cl=contact[/B]…
Any suggestions, to how i can it to work in [B]topcategories.tpl:[/B]?
The code in OP, is that oxid code? or will people who knows Smarty, be able to help me?
Need to find somewhere, where i can get help with my oxid issues
Offtopic: @Marco, it means: bring up my post … even tho it cant get higher up - too quiet
Offtopic: @vanilla , i know some html and css. Im not that good at it. playing around with firebug, until ill get it working. Getting better tho - ive done the changes, you seen at Do you have an answer, for my Smarty question above?
Offtopic: @vanilla , i know some html and css. Im not that good at it. playing around with firebug, until ill get it working. Getting better tho - ive done the changes, you seen at <url removed>. Do you have an answer, for my Smarty question above?
sure, but i already gave you my answer in your old thread. You were like “didnt work, gonna start new topic to get more attention”.
its not a big deal to understand smarty. you just need to read it. Like here:
[{if $ocat->expanded or $ocat->[b]oxcategories[/b]__oxtitle eq $marketplace}]
... $ocat->[b]oxcategories[/b]__ ..
as i already said: marketplace is still not a category. Its a class and you can check the active class name with the smarty code you already had in your template.
Perhaps this time you could tell me what you exactly did and where did you place your old code instead of opening a new thread.
I figured, that after 2 days of no responds of any kind, that “gonna start new topic to get more attention”. Please, if you expect to get something out of me, just ask, insted of not responding to the post.
Dont understand, why it used to work with “oxcategories__oxtitle” when its not a category(even tho, its being created within a category - external link). anyway, i have tryed replacing these, with the <a tag:
"class Marketplace extends OxUBase{
Guess thats what you ment with class. im still lost, what i have to do, since the old working way, doesnt do it anymore.
edit: google is my friend. many!! hours of searching and im getting closer…
<a [{if $ocat->expanded or $oViewConf->getActiveClassName() eq ‘marketplace’}]class=“current” is making all the menulinks get the “current” class, when ‘marketplace’ is active. Suggestions why?
<a [{if $ocat->expanded or $oView->getClassName() eq ‘marketplace’}]class=“current” gives the same result, as above.
@vanilla thunder
i did what u wanted from me(before i started a new threat) and i still didnt help me. Now i see why i started the threat. waited and waited, just to see if there was anyone in here to help me out. pretty dead in here.
Yes, its /azure/tpl/widget/header/topcategories.tpl where i modify the {if $ocat->expanded}]class=“current” so it will not only will use “current” on expanded categories, but also external links.
pretty sure it used to look something like this, before i started changing it. then i oxid made some changes in the code and im pretty sure, thats made Our fix, stop working last time:
but #10 is almost working correctly. It does used “current” on external links, but when it finds it, it will use “current” on all the categories/external links at once and not just the active/current one
<url removed> <- here you can see, that they all are blue. if you click on “Design selv” or “produktsortiment”(categories, and not external links), you will see, that only they, are getting the “current”
Why is the above code, making all the menu links “current” if the active class is contact (contact.tpl…) in the menu? it should ONLY be contact, thats getting the “current”
this works on categories only(not external links…):