Make the oxdb-class usable for accessing external databases

Sometimes it is necessary to access external databases (e.g. from a Worpress-blog).

It would be desirable to be able to utilize the oxdb class for that purpose.

Currently, however, the “getDb”-function in “[B]core/oxdb.php[/B]” is hardwired to access only the database, whose parameters are defined in the config file.


Replace “public static function getDb” in “[B]core/oxdb.php[/B]” with:

    public static function getDb( $blAssoc = false, $dbHost=null, $dbUser=null, $dbPwd=null, $dbName=null)
        if ( defined( 'OXID_PHP_UNIT' ) ) {
            if ( isset( modDB::$unitMOD ) && is_object( modDB::$unitMOD ) ) {
                return modDB::$unitMOD;

        global  $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;

        if ( $blAssoc )

        if ( self::$_oDB !== null ) {
            return self::$_oDB;

        global  $ADODB_CACHE_DIR;
        global  $ADODB_DRIVER,

        //adding exception handler for SQL errors
        $myConfig = self::getInstance()->getConfig();
        $iDebug = $myConfig->getConfigParam( 'iDebug' );
        if ( $iDebug ) {
            require_once getShopBasePath() . 'core/adodblite/';

        // session related parameters. don't change.

        //the default setting is 3000 * 60, but actually changing this will give no effect as now redefinition of this constant
        //appears after OXID custom settings are loaded and $ADODB_SESS_LIFE depends on user settings.
        //You can find the redefinition of ADODB_SESS_LIFE @ oxconfig.php:: line ~ 390.
        $ADODB_SESS_LIFE       = 3000 * 60;
        $ADODB_SESSION_TBL     = "oxsessions";
        $ADODB_SESS_DEBUG      = false;
        $ADODB_CACHE_DIR       = $myConfig->getConfigParam( 'sCompileDir' );
        if ($dbHost)
          $ADODB_SESSION_USER    = $dbUser;
          $ADODB_SESSION_PWD     = $dbPwd;
          $ADODB_SESSION_DB      = $dbName;
          $ADODB_SESSION_CONNECT = $dbHost;
          $ADODB_SESSION_USER    = $myConfig->getConfigParam( 'dbUser' );
          $ADODB_SESSION_PWD     = $myConfig->getConfigParam( 'dbPwd' );
          $ADODB_SESSION_DB      = $myConfig->getConfigParam( 'dbName' );
          $ADODB_SESSION_CONNECT = $myConfig->getConfigParam( 'dbHost' );
        $sModules = '';
        if (  $iDebug == 2 || $iDebug == 3 || $iDebug == 4 || $iDebug == 7  ) {
            $sModules = 'perfmon';

        // log admin changes ?
        if ( $myConfig->isAdmin() && $myConfig->getConfigParam( 'blLogChangesInAdmin' ) ) {
            $sModules = ( $sModules ? ':' : '' ) . 'oxadminlog';

        self::$_oDB = ADONewConnection( $myConfig->getConfigParam( 'dbType' ), $sModules );

        $sVerPrefix = '';
        $sVerPrefix = '_ce';
            $sConfig = join( '', file( getShopBasePath().'' ) );
            if ( strpos( $sConfig, '<dbHost'.$sVerPrefix.'>' ) !== false &&
                 strpos( $sConfig, '<dbName'.$sVerPrefix.'>' ) !== false ) {
                header( 'location:setup/index.php' ); // pop to setup as there is something wrong
            } else {

                // notifying shop owner about connection problems
                $sFailedShop = isset( $_REQUEST['shp'] )?addslashes( $_REQUEST['shp'] ):'Base shop';

                $sDate = date( 'l dS of F Y h:i:s A');
                $sScript  = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
                $sReferer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];

                //sending a message to admin
                $sWarningSubject = 'Offline warning!';
                $sWarningBody = "
                Database error in OXID eShop:
                Date: $sDate
                Shop: $sFailedShop

                mysql error: ".self::$_oDB->errorMsg()."
                mysql error no: ".self::$_oDB->errorNo()."

                Script: $sScript
                Referer: $sReferer";

                if ( ( $sAdminEmail = $myConfig->getConfigParam( 'sAdminEmail' ) ) ) {
                    include 'core/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';

                    $oMailer = new phpmailer();
                    $oMailer->From = $sAdminEmail;
                    $oMailer->AddAddress( $sAdminEmail );
                    $oMailer->Subject = $sWarningSubject;
                    $oMailer->Body = $sWarningBody;

                //only exception to default construction method
                $oEx = new oxConnectionException();
                $oEx->setMessage( 'EXCEPTION_CONNECTION_NODB' );
                $oEx->setConnectionError( $myConfig->getConfigParam( 'dbUser' ).'s'.getShopBasePath().self::$_oDB->errorMsg() );
                throw $oEx;

        if (  $iDebug == 2 || $iDebug == 3 || $iDebug == 4  || $iDebug == 7 ) {
            try {
                self::$_oDB->execute('truncate table adodb_logsql;');
            } catch (ADODB_Exception $e) {
                // nothing
            self::$_oDB->logSQL( true );

        self::$_oDB->cacheSecs = 60 * 10; // 10 minute caching
        self::$_oDB->execute( 'SET @@session.sql_mode = ""' );

        if ( $myConfig->isUtf() ) {
            self::$_oDB->execute( 'SET NAMES "utf8"' );
            self::$_oDB->execute( 'SET CHARACTER SET utf8' );
            self::$_oDB->execute( 'SET CHARACTER_SET_CONNECTION = utf8' );
            self::$_oDB->execute( 'SET CHARACTER_SET_DATABASE = utf8' );
            self::$_oDB->execute( 'SET character_set_results = utf8' );
            self::$_oDB->execute( 'SET character_set_server = utf8' );

        return self::$_oDB;

This optionally allows to define a different database for access.


is there meanwhile the possibility to access external databases without editing oxdb?

Because tells that oxdb is not overridable.

p.s. nice work avenger