Manual orders

Hi there i am trying to write a module for manual orders in the backend.
Currently I have a form for the user the deliveryadress and the paytype and the articles to order

One problem are the deliveryoptions.
I cant get a list of them…

$oDeliveryList = oxNew( "oxDeliveryList", "core");
return $oDeliveryList->getArray();

my order function looks like this:

$oUser = oxNew( 'oxuser' );

$oBasket = oxNew( 'oxbasket' );

foreach($_POST['article'] as $i => $articleId)
	$oBasket->addToBasket($articleId, $_POST['count'][$i]);

$oOrder = oxNew( 'oxorder' );
$iOrderState = $oOrder->validateOrder($oBasket, $oUser);

appreciate your help!