I’m importing items into oxid db through php aplication (I’m developing), which is parsing xml feeds. So, this is happening outside of oxid admin system. Items are imported correctly, I can see them in admin. But the menu structure is not automatically refreshed. I have to empty tmp folder, after that the menu is actual.
Is there some table column in oxid db, that has to bee set, so the menu is refreshed?
Or this is evoked by some action in admin system?
What is column OXTIME in tb.oxobject2category for?
What is column OXTIME in tb.oxobject2category for?
OXTIME is the timestamp when you assign an article to a category.
The earliest OXTIME (i.e. smallest number) is the major category.
The major category is the canonical link for this article (relevant for SEO)
[QUOTE=gregor;40301]OXTIME is the timestamp when you assign an article to a category.
The earliest OXTIME (i.e. smallest number) is the major category.
The major category is the canonical link for this article (relevant for SEO)
Please have a look to the following issue, too: https://bugs.oxid-esales.com/view.php?id=2237