Move to new domain?


Im about to move to a new domain and i talked with my host who said, that when i make the switch to that other domain, then everything will be as it is now. So files, db etc. is moved or domain is “renamed”, so its looking as it is now…
Is there something i need to do before that? change the domain details maybe.

thanks :wink:

Hi gnomic,

moving your shop to another server is actually easy:

Also, OXID eShop will help you with oxseohistory to do what you have in mind:

But have in mind that a new domain could decrease your SEO ranking: the domain age is still a big argument for search engines, isn’t it.

“Install the basic shop with the same version on the new server.”?

Im not exacly sure how it will work,but my best guess is, is that im getting the new domain filled, with the files from my old domain. So when i first get ftp access to it, then it already has everything installed - that guide sounds to me like, they are expecting me to have en empty server? but i should still follow the guide and copy over the installationfiles and install the basic shop? wont the overwrite something…

If you are just changing the domain, not the server, you of course do not need to transfer/install the shop new.
You just need to adjust with your new domain and of course some places inside admin.

Maybe it would be better to copy the existing shop to a new subfolder, point your new domain on this folder and adjust everything. After you are done, just forward the old domain to the new one via .htaccess and redirect 301.

Hebsacker, thanks

“and of course some places inside admin” what precisely does that mean? :slight_smile: wouldnt want, so i cant fix it later on, if i dont do everything right.

I mean the master settings / core settings like shopdomain and email things, as well there may be some places in CMS-pages where you have used the (old) domain.

ah i see, perfect. thanks