I’m an absolute newbi and I want to install my first homepage (20 pages). OXID will be a part of the homepage and will be installed on one page (same domain).
Now the problem starts…I’ve bought a OXID eshop package (german) at
The problem is, I have now only one page which is the OXID eshop and nobody at 1blu can tell me if its possible within OXID to install the other 19 pages (videos, pics and text) on the same domain…Can anybody help me???
I think I’ve bought the wrong product at 1blu…I should have bought the normal homepage packages and install OXID on one of the pages???
if you want to display pictures, videos and other content inside the shop, you can use CMS pages. You can simply put all the html code insede it and include the cms page whereever you want (on a product category page, on start page, product page, other cms page) or as an own item in the menu / navigation.
But there is no simple built-in uploader for pictures or videos, you need to upload them with a ftp client.