I would like to integrate more smarty variables like [{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxcompany->value }] to the newsletter. My problem is I don’t know where and how to integrate them.
Can somebody help me with this problem?
I would like to integrate more smarty variables like [{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxcompany->value }] to the newsletter. My problem is I don’t know where and how to integrate them.
Can somebody help me with this problem?
I’m not pretty sure what you want to achieve. Can you be a bit clearer please?
[{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxcompany->value }] and other fields which are filled with informtions about the company can’t be integradet in the newsletter because the newsletter doesn’t know the variables. The only fileds i get are about the consumer like the name, zip, email… I want to write a impressum. Here a picture:
maybe a workaround - you could include the CMS-page oxemailfooter as a snippet
i tried it that way, but Oxid only included the text not the smarty-parts. Thats the problem.
how did you include it?
[{ oxcontent ident=Ident_of_CMS }]