what do you use open id for? Is there a way to disable it?
Wikipedia says:
OpenID is an open, decentralized standard for user authentication and access control, allowing users to log onto many services with the same digital identity. As such, it replaces the common login process that uses a login-name and a password, by allowing a user to log in once and gain access to the resources of multiple software systems.
I think, it is pretty sexy to have it, isn’t it?
If you want to switch it off, just go to the appropriate template (_right.tpl and register.tpl) and simply uncommend it.
I have found right.tpl file and managed to open it with crimson editor but I am not sure exactly what to do further. Could you please showe me how to do it? File content looks like this:
<div class=“forms”>
[{if $oView->showRightBasket()}]
[{oxid_include_dynamic file="dyn/mini_basket.tpl" type="basket" extended=true testid="RightBasket"}]
<strong class="h2"><a id="test_RightSideAccountHeader" rel="nofollow" href="[{ oxgetseourl ident=$oViewConf->getSelfLink()|cat:"cl=account" }]">[{ oxmultilang ident="INC_RIGHTITEM_MYACCOUNT" }]</a></strong>
<div class="box">
[{oxid_include_dynamic file="dyn/cmp_login_right.tpl" type="login" pgnr=$pageNavigation->actPage tpl=$tpl additional_form_parameters="`$AdditionalFormParameters`"|cat:$oViewConf->getNavFormParams() }]
[{oxid_include_dynamic file="dyn/cmp_login_links.tpl" type="login_links"}]
[{if !$oxcmp_user->oxuser__oxpassword->value}]
<strong class="h2"><a id="test_RightSideOpenIdHeader" rel="nofollow" href="[{ oxgetseourl ident=$oViewConf->getSelfLink()|cat:"cl=account"}]">[{ oxmultilang ident="INC_RIGHTITEM_OPENID" }]</a></strong>
<div class="box">
[{oxid_include_dynamic file="dyn/cmp_openidlogin_right.tpl" type="login" pgnr=$pageNavigation->actPage tpl=$tpl additional_form_parameters="`$AdditionalFormParameters`"|cat:$oViewConf->getNavFormParams() }]
[{if $oView->showNewsletter()}]
<strong class="h2"><a id="test_RightSideNewsLetterHeader" rel="nofollow" href="[{ oxgetseourl ident=$oViewConf->getSelfLink()|cat:"cl=newsletter" }]">[{ oxmultilang ident="INC_RIGHTITEM_NEWSLETTER" }]</a></strong>
<div class="box">[{include file="inc/cmp_newsletter.tpl" }]</div>
[{ if $oView->getTop5ArticleList() }]
<strong class=“h2” id=“test_RightSideTop5Header”>
[{ oxmultilang ident=“INC_RIGHTITEM_TOPOFTHESHOP” }]
[{if $rsslinks.topArticles}]
<a class=“rss” id=“rss.topArticles” href="[{$rsslinks.topArticles.link}]" title="[{$rsslinks.topArticles.title}]"></a>
[{oxscript add=“oxid.blank(‘rss.topArticles’);”}]
<div class=“box”>
<div>[{include file=“inc/top_items.tpl” }]</div>
[{ /if }]
[{if count($oView->getBargainArticleList()) > 0 }]
<strong class=“h2” id=“test_RightSideBarGainHeader”>
[{ oxmultilang ident=“INC_RIGHTITEM_BARGAIN” }]
[{if $rsslinks.bargainArticles}]
<a class=“rss” id=“rss.bargainArticles” href="[{$rsslinks.bargainArticles.link}]" title="[{$rsslinks.bargainArticles.title}]"></a>
[{oxscript add=“oxid.blank(‘rss.bargainArticles’);”}]
<div class=“box”>
<div>[{include file=“inc/bargain_items.tpl”}]</div>
[{ /if }]
[{ if $oView->getSimilarRecommLists() }]
<strong class=“h2” id=“test_RightSideRecommlistHeader”>
[{ oxmultilang ident=“INC_RIGHTITEM_RECOMMLIST” }]
[{if $rsslinks.recommlists}]
<a class=“rss” id=“rss.recommlists” href="[{$rsslinks.recommlists.link}]" title="[{$rsslinks.recommlists.title}]"></a>
[{oxscript add=“oxid.blank(‘rss.recommlists’);”}]
<div class=“box”>
<div>[{include file=“inc/right_recommlist.tpl” list=$oView->getSimilarRecommLists()}]</div>
<span class=“def_color_1”>[{ oxmultilang ident=“INC_RIGHTITEM_SEARCHFORLISTS” }]</span>
<form name=“basket” action="[{ $oViewConf->getSelfActionLink() }]" method=“post” class=“recommlistsearch”>
[{ $oViewConf->getHiddenSid() }]
<input type=“hidden” name=“cl” value=“recommlist”>
<input type=“text” name=“searchrecomm” id=“searchrecomm” value="[{$oView->getRecommSearch()}]" class=“search_input”>
<span class=“btn”><input id=“test_searchRecommlist” type=“submit” value=“GO!” class=“btn”></span>
[{ /if }]
[{ if !$oView->getSimilarRecommLists() && $oView->getRecommSearch() }]
<strong class=“h2” id=“test_RightSideRecommlistHeader”>[{ oxmultilang ident=“INC_RIGHTITEM_RECOMMLIST” }]</strong>
<div class=“box”>
<span class=“def_color_1”>[{ oxmultilang ident=“INC_RIGHTITEM_SEARCHFORLISTS” }]</span>
<form name=“basket” action="[{ $oViewConf->getSelfActionLink() }]" method=“post” class=“recommlistsearch”>
[{ $oViewConf->getHiddenSid() }]
<input type=“hidden” name=“cl” value=“recommlist”>
<input type=“text” name=“searchrecomm” value="[{$oView->getRecommSearch()}]" class=“search_input”>
<span class=“btn”><input id=“test_searchRecommlist” type=“submit” value=“GO!” class=“btn”></span>
[{ /if }]
[{ if $oView->getAccessoires() }]
<strong class=“h2” id=“test_RightSideAccessoiresHeader”>[{ oxmultilang ident=“INC_RIGHTITEM_ACCESSORIES” }]</strong>
<div class=“box”>
<div>[{include file=“inc/rightlist.tpl” list=$oView->getAccessoires() altproduct=$product test_Type=accessoire}]</div>
[{ /if }]
[{ if $oView->getSimilarProducts() }]
<strong class=“h2” id=“test_RightSideSimilListHeader”>[{ oxmultilang ident=“INC_RIGHTITEM_SIMILARPRODUCTS” }]</strong>
<div class=“box”>
<div>[{include file=“inc/rightlist.tpl” list=$oView->getSimilarProducts() altproduct=$product test_Type=similarlist}]</div>
[{ /if }]
[{ if $oView->getCrossSelling()}]
<strong class=“h2” id=“test_RightSideCrossListHeader”>[{ oxmultilang ident=“INC_RIGHTITEM_HAVEPOUSEEN” }]</strong>
<div class=“box”>
<div>[{include file=“inc/rightlist.tpl” list=$oView->getCrossSelling() altproduct=$product test_Type=cross}]</div>
[{ /if }]
[{ if $oView->getAlsoBoughtThiesProducts() }]
<strong class=“h2” id=“test_RightSideCustWhoHeader”>[{ oxmultilang ident=“INC_RIGHTITEM_CUSTOMERWHO” }]</strong>
<div class=“box”>
<div>[{include file=“inc/rightlist.tpl” list=$oView->getAlsoBoughtThiesProducts() altproduct=$product test_Type=customerwho}]</div>
[{ /if }]
Can you give me a link where can I read about uncommenting. I am not familiar with coding but I would like to try. Thanks in advance
IMO, it is this block that you might delete completely:
[{if !$oxcmp_user->oxuser__oxpassword->value}]
<strong class="h2"><a id="test_RightSideOpenIdHeader" rel="nofollow" href="[{ oxgetseourl ident=$oViewConf->getSelfLink()|cat:"cl=account"}]">[{ oxmultilang ident="INC_RIGHTITEM_OPENID" }]</a></strong>
<div class="box">
[{oxid_include_dynamic file="dyn/cmp_openidlogin_right.tpl" type="login" pgnr=$pageNavigation->actPage tpl=$tpl additional_form_parameters="`$AdditionalFormParame ters`"|cat:$oViewConf->getNavFormParams() }]
Please think of backing up the file before and delete the /tmp/ Directory after your changes.
[QUOTE=Marco Steinhäuser;10248]Hi,
IMO, it is this block that you might delete completely:
[{if !$oxcmp_user->oxuser__oxpassword->value}]
<strong class="h2"><a id="test_RightSideOpenIdHeader" rel="nofollow" href="[{ oxgetseourl ident=$oViewConf->getSelfLink()|cat:"cl=account"}]">[{ oxmultilang ident="INC_RIGHTITEM_OPENID" }]</a></strong>
<div class="box">
[{oxid_include_dynamic file="dyn/cmp_openidlogin_right.tpl" type="login" pgnr=$pageNavigation->actPage tpl=$tpl additional_form_parameters="`$AdditionalFormParame ters`"|cat:$oViewConf->getNavFormParams() }]
Please think of backing up the file before and delete the /tmp/ Directory after your changes.[/QUOTE]
This is also described here (Example 2), but just removes the openID login from the right column:
But it does not remove the openID login at step 2 of the checkout process.
To do this I commented out lines 52 to 54 in the user.tpl:
<span class="fs11"><b>[{ oxmultilang ident="USER_OPENID" }]</b></span><br>
<input id="test_UsrOpt2_openid" type="text" name="lgn_openid" value="" class="openid" size="21"><br><br>
<span class="btn"><input id="test_UsrOpt2OpenId" type="submit" name="send" value="[{ oxmultilang ident="USER_LOGIN" }]" class="btn"></span><br>
Would like to hear an expert opinion if this is correct and if openID then is removed from everywhere in the shop.
I’m an OXID beginner so after doing such changes a unsafe feeling always lasts…
Under the product details there is a block of links to Listmania, Wish list and Gift Registry. Is there a way to remove those in admin panel or you have to edit templates again?
no possibility from admin area, you need to edit the templates.
The reason is simple: Usually, you do this adoptions once you set up a shop. Why dragging the if - then - code through all the processes?
Also need to remove lines from 42 to 71 (correct it if I wrong:D) in /inc/cmp_login.tpl. If not it will still show Open ID login when click on My account.
[QUOTE=Ulzii;16061]Also need to remove lines from 42 to 71 (correct it if I wrong:D) in /inc/cmp_login.tpl. If not it will still show Open ID login when click on My account.[/QUOTE]
Right, thanks for that hint!
Ulzii, long time no see! How are you doing, is the shop running well over there?
Hi Marco
Still working on translation. Front-end file almost finished (around 95%). Now working on admin file. Because I started the translation when UTF code was not supported, there’s some problem with encoding:(. It shows ok on the shop but in order to be sure I need to retype or copy all translation to new UTF converted one.
Hi Ulzii,
I see… you’re using kyrillic letters over there, right? This might become annoying
Hope you found a possibility for simple copy&paste.
Hi Marko
Yes, cyrillic is really killing me:o. Find/replace does not work. Have to copy/paste or typing. Anyway trying to finish asap:rolleyes:. Will send you for testing when finished.
Hi Marko
Front-end translation (ver 4.2.0) almost finished. Could you check for encoding in template for line 324 and 325 (‘DETAILS_QUESTIONS’ and DETAILS_QUESTIONSSUBJECT’ ). Only these two lines shows incorrectly:confused:. Others are all fine:D. The language file send via email.
[QUOTE=Ulzii;17949]Hi Marko
Front-end translation (ver 4.2.0) almost finished. Could you check for encoding in template for line 324 and 325 (‘DETAILS_QUESTIONS’ and DETAILS_QUESTIONSSUBJECT’ ). Only these two lines shows incorrectly:confused:. Others are all fine:D. The language file send via email.[/QUOTE]
Hello Ulzii,
thanks alot for this file. I already published it on
Could you tell me where the requested encoding errors appear in Shop frontend? I don’t see a reason for a problem in lang file. Probably a template is concerned.
Hi Marko
Yes I think it’s in template.
DETAILS_QUESTIONS is on the footer of Product details ([?] Questions about this product?)
DETAILS_QUESTIONSSUBJECT’ is subject line when you click on [?] Questions about this product?. I’m using Microsoft Outlook as default email software.