Order process rearange

Hi, does anybody know how can i remove certain steps from order procedure and add some mine.
i would really appreciate someones help

you can’t, unless:

  1. you have a lot of time (i mean really much time),
  2. you are very good at PHP
  3. you have very good knowledge of OXID’s framework

because this would be a lot of hard work with try&error and overwriting lots of tempaltes and classes.

Issue is that i must, that is client desire :frowning:
i wonder if the only php class needed to be overriden is oxOrder, or i must override some additional classes

“overwriting lots of templates and classes” means, there will be more than one class you need to overwrite.

oxorder is just the order object itself, i has absolutely no influence on checkout steps.
I guess you need to overwrite oxvieconfig and all the checkout classes, to change their order or add new steps.

thanks vanilla