Order status NOT_FINISHED and every order number = 0


I have this problem: when I am making an order. After i click ‘ORDER NOW’ I get redirected to main shop page(no info about order confirmation). And all products are still in the basket. If I try to process my order again products disappear and I get message about my order. As well in Admin panel order status is NOT_FINISHED and every order has order number = 0.


Faulty component --> logger

Any thoughts or ideas? What it could be and how to find the problem?

Which Shopversion you use? OXID 6.x.x?

Its old e shop. Version 4.9.5

The first thing I would like to check is Shipping Cost Rules in Admin, when after this the error not found, then disable modules and check again.

Or an other thing check the Stock Settings in Admin -> Master Settings -> Core Settings -> Settings Tab -> Stock …