Overriding blocks in child theme

Hi Members,

I have created child theme and I need to change the content of my footer which is inherited from flow(parent) theme. And I already have “oxstdfooter” cms page created in Admin but How do I link to overrided page.tpl…?? Please help. Below is the code.

[{block name="dd_footer_copyright"}]
                            [{oxifcontent ident="oxstdfooter" object="oCont"}]

Also please help me, where can I find the block name=“dd_footer_copyright” ??

Thank you,

The block is the code you posted because “block name=…” defines the block.
The code inside the block will display the contents of CMS page “oxstdfooter”.
There is no need to override anything.

Okay I got you that it defines the block…In magento, we have something like create block and call that in .xml file. Can we do it here in Oxid?? I mean, Are we calling block here ??

Oxid blocks are regular smarty 2 blocks, very similar to twig blocks. The only difference is that OXID manages additional block contents instead of the “extends” tag. You can make your custom block content available for OXID by adding blocks in metadata.php

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