in der Installationsdatei ist alles korrekt
('ad542e49975709a72.52261121', 'oxnewsletteremail', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'Newsletter eShop', 'Hallo, [{ $user->oxuser__oxsal->value|oxmultilangsal }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxfname->value }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxlname->value }],<br>\r\nvielen Dank für Ihre Anmeldung zu unserem Newsletter.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nUm den Newsletter freizuschalten klicken Sie bitte auf folgenden Link:<br>\r\n<br>\r\n<a href="[{$subscribeLink}]">[{$subscribeLink}]</a><br>\r\n<br>\r\nIhr [{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->value }] Team<br>', 'newsletter confirmation', 'Hello, [{ $user->oxuser__oxsal->value|oxmultilangsal }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxfname->value }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxlname->value }],<br>\r\nthank you for your newsletter subscription.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nFor final registration, please click on this link:<br>\r\n<br>\r\n<a href="[{$subscribeLink}]">[{$subscribeLink}]</a><br>\r\n<br>\r\nYour [{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->value }] Team<br>', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_EMAILS', ''),
('ad542e4999ec01dd3.07214049', 'oxnewsletterplainemail', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'Newsletter eShop Plain', '[{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->getRawValue() }] Newsletter Hallo, [{ $user->oxuser__oxsal->value|oxmultilangsal }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxfname->getRawValue() }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxlname->getRawValue() }], vielen Dank für Ihre Anmeldung zu unserem Newsletter. Um den Newsletter freizuschalten klicken Sie bitte auf folgenden Link: [{$subscribeLink}] Ihr [{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->getRawValue() }] Team', 'newsletter confirmation plain', '[{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->getRawValue() }] Newsletter \r\n\r\nHello, [{ $user->oxuser__oxsal->value|oxmultilangsal }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxfname->getRawValue() }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxlname->getRawValue() }], \r\n\r\nthank you for your newsletter subscription. For final registration, please click on this link: \r\n[{$subscribeLink}] \r\n\r\nYour [{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->getRawValue() }] Team', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_EMAILS', ''),
('f41427a10afab8641.52768563', 'oxnewstlerinfo', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'Neuigkeiten bei uns', '<div>Mit dem [{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxname->value }]-Newsletter alle paar Wochen. <br>\r\nMit Tipps, Infos, Aktionen ... <br>\r\n<br>\r\nDas Abo kann jederzeit durch Austragen der E-Mail-Adresse beendet werden. <br>\r\nEine <span class="newsletter_title">Weitergabe Ihrer Daten an Dritte lehnen wir ab</span>. <br>\r\n<br>\r\nSie bekommen zur Bestätigung nach dem Abonnement eine E-Mail - so stellen wir sicher, dass kein Unbefugter Sie in unseren Newsletter eintragen kann (sog. "Double Opt-In").<br>\r\n<br>\r\n</div>', 'newsletter info', '<p>Stay in touch with the periodic [{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxname->value }]-newsletter every couple of weeks. We gladly inform you about recent tips, promotions and new products.</p>\r\n<p>You can unsubscribe any time from the newsletter.</p>\r\n<p>We strictly refuse <span class="newsletter_title">transferring your data to 3rd parties</span>.</p>\r\n<p>For subscription we use the so called "double opt-in" procedure to guarantee that no unauthorized person will register with your e-mail address.</p>', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_USERINFO', ''),
('1074279e67a85f5b1.96907412', 'oxorderinfo', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'Wie bestellen?', '<div>Beispieltext:</div>\r\n<div> </div>\r\n<div>[{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxname->value }], Ihr Online-Shop für ... <br />\r\n<br />\r\nBei uns haben Sie die Wahl aus mehr als ... Artikeln von bester Qualität und namhaften Herstellern. Schauen Sie sich um, stöbern Sie in unseren Angeboten! <br />\r\n[{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxname->value }] steht Ihnen im Internet rund um die Uhr und 7 Tage die Woche offen.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nWenn Sie eine Bestellung aufgeben möchten, können Sie das:\r\n<ul>\r\n<li class="font11">direkt im Internet über unseren Shop </li>\r\n<li class="font11">per Fax unter [{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxtelefax->value }] </li>\r\n<li class="font11">per Telefon unter [{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxtelefon->value }] </li>\r\n<li class="font11">oder per E-Mail unter <a href="mailto:[{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxowneremail->value }]?subject=Bestellung"><strong>[{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxowneremail->value }]</strong></a> </li></ul>Telefonisch sind wir für Sie <br />\r\nMontag bis Freitag von 10 bis 18 Uhr erreichbar. <br />\r\nWenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem Artikel sind, der zum Sortiment von [{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxname->value }] passen könnte, ihn aber nirgends finden, lassen Sie es uns wissen. Gern bemühen wir uns um eine Lösung für Sie. <br />\r\n<br />\r\nSchreiben Sie an <a href="mailto:[{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxowneremail->value }]?subject=Produktidee"><strong>[{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxowneremail->value }]</strong></a>.</div>', 'How to order?', '<h1>Text Example</h1>\r\n<h2>[{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxname->value }], your online store for ...</h2>\r\n<p>With us, you can choose from more than ... products of high quality and reputable manufacturers. Take a look around and browse through our offers!<br />\r\nOn the internet [{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxname->value }] is open 24/7.</p>\r\n<p>If you want to place an order you can purchase</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li class="font11">via our online store</li>\r\n<li class="font11">via fax [{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxtelefax->value }] </li>\r\n<li class="font11">via telephone [{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxtelefon->value }] </li>\r\n<li class="font11">or via e-mail <a href="mailto:[{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxowneremail->value }]?subject=Order"><strong>[{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxowneremail->value }]</strong></a></li></ul>\r\n<p>By telephone, we are available<br />\r\nMonday to Friday 10 AM thru 6 PM. </p>\r\n<p>If you are looking for an item that did not match the range of [{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxname->value }], let''s us know. We are happy to find a solution for you.</p>\r\n<p>Write to <a href="mailto:[{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxowneremail->value }]?subject=Product idea"><strong>[{ $oxcmp_shop->oxshops__oxowneremail->value }]</strong></a></p>', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_USERINFO', ''),
('67c5bcf75ee346bd9566bce6c8', 'oxcredits', 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, '', 'Credits', '', 'Credits', '<h3>What is OXID eShop?</h3>\r\n<p>OXID eShop is a proven and flexible shopping cart software. Thousands of online businesses worldwide use its extensive functionality to create optimal e-commerce solutions. With its modular, state-of-the-art and standards-based architecture, customization is very easy. OXID eShop is being developed by <a href="">OXID eSales AG</a>, the trusted Open Source e-commerce company.</p>\r\n<h3>OXID eShop Community Edition</h3>\r\n<p>The Community Edition of OXID eShop is distributed under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). Briefly summarized, the GPL gives you the right to use, modify and share this copy of OXID eShop. If you choose to share OXID eShop, you may only share it under the terms and conditions of the GPL. If you share a modified version of OXID eShop, these modifications must also be placed under the GPL. Read the complete <a href="">legal terms and conditions of the GPL</a> or see <a href="">OXID''s GPLv3 FAQ</a>.</p>\r\n<h3>OXID eShop Professional and Enterprise Edition</h3>\r\n<p>These OXID eShop editions are distributed under OXID Commercial Licenses. For more information, please <a href="">contact OXID eSales</a>.</p>\r\n<h3>Third-party Software</h3>\r\n<p>This product includes certain free/open source software. A <a href="">complete list of third-party software included in OXID eShop</a> is publicly available.</p>\r\n<h3>Copyright Notice</h3>\r\n<p>Copyright © 2003-2013 <a href="">OXID eSales AG</a>, with portions copyright by other parties.</p>\r\n\r\n\r\n<!-- added by Marco //-->\r\n\r\n\r\n<h3>List of Contributions</h3>\r\n<ul>\r\n <li><b>Downloadable Products</b>\r\n <br>Some business models are based on downloadable virtual products like software, PDF or MP3 files instead of the classic shipment of products purchased in an online store. Please find more information on <a href="" target="_blank">OXIDforge</a>.\r\n <br>contributed by <a href="" target="_blank"></a>\r\n </li>\r\n\r\n\r\n <li><b>Rich Snippets: RDFa + GoodRelations</b>\r\n <br>We are convinced that the RDFa + GoodRelations vocabulary will be the future of rich snippets, especially for e-commerce. Please find more information on <a href="" target="_blank">OXIDforge</a>.\r\n <br>contributed by Daniel Bingel and Prof. Dr. Hepp <a href="" target="_blank">(GoodRelations)</a>.\r\n </li>\r\n\r\n\r\n <li><b>GitHub contributions</b><br>\r\n Since May 2013 we switched our infrastructure in order to receive pull requests on <a href="" target="_blank">GitHub</a>. Please see the <a href="" target="_blank">list of contributors</a> for more information on who gratefully helped us to make OXID eShop even better.\r\n</li> \r\n\r\n\r\n</ul>', 1, '', '', 0, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_USERINFO', ''),
('ad542e49d6de4a4f4.88594616', 'oxordersendemail', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'Ihre Bestellung wurde versandt', 'Guten Tag, [{ $order->oxorder__oxbillsal->value|oxmultilangsal }] [{ $order->oxorder__oxbillfname->value }] [{ $order->oxorder__oxbilllname->value }],<br>\r\n<br>\r\nunser Vertriebszentrum hat soeben folgende Artikel versandt.<br>\r\n<br>', 'your order has been shipped', 'Hello [{ $order->oxorder__oxbillsal->value|oxmultilangsal }] [{ $order->oxorder__oxbillfname->value }] [{ $order->oxorder__oxbilllname->value }],<br />\r\n<br />\r\n<p>\r\nour distribution center just shipped this product:</p><br />', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_EMAILS', ''),
('ad542e49d856b5b68.98220446', 'oxordersendplainemail', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'Ihre Bestellung wurde versandt Plain', 'Guten Tag [{ $order->oxorder__oxbillsal->value|oxmultilangsal }] [{ $order->oxorder__oxbillfname->getRawValue() }] [{ $order->oxorder__oxbilllname->getRawValue() }],\r\n\r\nunser Vertriebszentrum hat soeben folgende Artikel versandt.', 'your order has been shipped plain', '<p>Hello [{ $order->oxorder__oxbillsal->value|oxmultilangsal }] [{ $order->oxorder__oxbillfname->getRawValue() }] [{ $order->oxorder__oxbilllname->getRawValue() }],\r\n\r\nour distribution center just shipped this product:</p>', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_EMAILS', ''),
('ad542e49c585394e4.36951640', 'oxpricealarmemail', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'Preisalarm', 'Preisalarm im [{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->value }]!<br>\r\n<br>\r\n[{ $email }] bietet für Artikel [{ $product->oxarticles__oxtitle->value }], Artnum. [{ $product->oxarticles__oxartnum->value }]<br>\r\n<br>\r\nOriginalpreis: [{ $product->getFPrice() }] [{ $currency->name}]<br>\r\nGEBOTEN: [{ $bidprice }] [{ $currency->name}]<br>\r\n<br>\r\n<br>\r\nIhr Shop.<br>', 'price alert', 'Price alert at [{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->value }]!<br>\r\n<br>\r\n[{ $email }] bids for product [{ $product->oxarticles__oxtitle->value }], product # [{ $product->oxarticles__oxartnum->value }]<br>\r\n<br>\r\nOriginal price: [{ $currency->name}][{ $product->getFPrice() }]<br>\r\nBid: [{ $currency->name}][{ $bidprice }]<br>\r\n<br>\r\n<br>\r\nYour store<br>', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_EMAILS', ''),
('ad542e49c8ec04201.39247735', 'oxregisteremail', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'Vielen Dank für Ihre Registrierung', 'Hallo, [{ $user->oxuser__oxsal->value|oxmultilangsal }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxfname->value }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxlname->value }], vielen Dank für Ihre Registrierung bei [{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->value }]!<br>\r\n<br>\r\nSie können sich ab sofort auch mit Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse <strong>[{ $user->oxuser__oxusername->value }]</strong> einloggen.<br>\r\n<br>\r\nIhr [{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->value }] Team<br>', 'thanks for your registration', 'Hello, [{ $user->oxuser__oxsal->value|oxmultilangsal }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxfname->value }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxlname->value }], <br />\r\n<br />\r\n<p>\r\nthank you for your registration at [{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->value }]!</p>\r\nFrom now on, you can log in with your email address <strong>[{ $user->oxuser__oxusername->value }]</strong>.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nYour [{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->value }] team<br />', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_EMAILS', ''),
('ad542e49ca4750015.09588134', 'oxregisterplainemail', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'Vielen Dank für Ihre Registrierung Plain', '<p>[{ $shop->oxshops__oxregistersubject->getRawValue() }] Hallo, [{ $user->oxuser__oxsal->value|oxmultilangsal }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxfname->getRawValue() }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxlname->getRawValue() }], vielen Dank für Ihre Registrierung bei [{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->getRawValue() }]! Sie können sich ab sofort auch mit Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse ([{ $user->oxuser__oxusername->value }]) einloggen. Ihr [{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->getRawValue() }] Team</p>', 'thanks for your registration plain', '<p>Hello, [{ $user->oxuser__oxsal->value|oxmultilangsal }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxfname->getRawValue() }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxlname->getRawValue() }],\r\n\r\nthank you for your registration at [{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->getRawValue() }]!\r\nFrom now on, you can log in with your email address [{ $user->oxuser__oxusername->value }].\r\n\r\nYour [{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->getRawValue() }] team</p>', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_EMAILS', ''),
('1ea45574543b21636.29288751', 'oxrightofwithdrawal', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'Widerrufsrecht', '<div>Fügen Sie hier Ihre Widerrufsbelehrung ein.</div><div><a title="" href="[{$oViewConf->getBaseDir()}]out/pictures/ddmedia/create_your_withdrawal_pdf_here_de.pdf"><strong>Muster für das Widerrufsformular</strong></a></div>', 'Right of Withdrawal', '<div>Insert here the Right of Withdrawal policy.</div><div><strong><a title="" href="[{$oViewConf->getBaseDir()}]out/pictures/ddmedia/create_your_withdrawal_pdf_here_en.pdf">Model form for withdrawal</a></strong></div>', 1, '', '', 0, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_USERINFO', ''),
('f41427a099a603773.44301043', 'oxsecurityinfo', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'Datenschutz', 'Fügen Sie hier Ihre Datenschutzbestimmungen ein.', 'Privacy Policy', 'Enter your privacy policy here.', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_USERINFO', ''),
('ce79015b6f6f07612270975889', 'oxstartmetadescription', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'META Description Startseite', 'Alles zum Thema Wassersport, Sportbekleidung und Mode. Umfangreiches Produktsortiment mit den neusten Trendprodukten. Blitzschneller Versand.<br />', 'META description start page', '<p>All about watersports, sportswear and fashion. Extensive product range including several trendy products. Fast shipping.</p>\r\n<p> </p>', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', '', ''),
('ce77743c334edf92b0cab924a7', 'oxstartmetakeywords', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'META Keywords Startseite', 'kite, kites, kiteboarding, kiteboards, wakeboarding, wakeboards, boards, strand, sommer, wassersport, mode, fashion, style, shirts, jeans, accessoires, angebote', 'META keywords start page', 'kite, kites, kiteboarding, kiteboards, wakeboarding, wakeboards, boards, beach, summer, watersports, funsports, fashion, style, shirts, jeans, accessories, special offers', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', '', ''),
('ad542e49ae50c60f0.64307543', 'oxuserorderemail', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'Ihre Bestellung', 'Vielen Dank für Ihre Bestellung!<br>\r\n<br>\r\nNachfolgend haben wir zur Kontrolle Ihre Bestellung noch einmal aufgelistet.<br>\r\nBei Fragen sind wir jederzeit für Sie da: Schreiben Sie einfach an [{ $shop->oxshops__oxorderemail->value }]!<br>\r\n<br>', 'your order', 'Thank you for your order!<br />\r\n<br />\r\nBelow, we have listed your order.<br />\r\nIf you have any questions, don''t hesitate to drop us an e-mail [{ $shop->oxshops__oxorderemail->value }]!<br />\r\n<br />', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_EMAILS', ''),
('84a42e66105998a86.14045828', 'oxuserorderemailend', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'Ihre Bestellung Abschluss', '<div align="left">Fügen Sie hier Ihre Widerrufsbelehrung ein.</div>', 'your order terms', '<p>Right to Withdrawal can be inserted here.</p>', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_EMAILS', ''),
('84a42e66123887821.29772527', 'oxuserorderemailendplain', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'Ihre Bestellung Abschluss Plain', 'Fügen Sie hier Ihre Widerrufsbelehrung ein.', 'your order terms plain', '<p>Right to Withdrawal can be inserted here.</p>', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_EMAILS', ''),
('c8d45408c08bbaf79.09887022', 'oxuserordernpemail', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'Ihre Bestellung (Fremdländer)', '<div>Vielen Dank für Ihre Bestellung!</div>\r\n<p><strong><span style="color: #ff0000">Hinweis:</span></strong> Derzeit ist uns keine Versandmethode für dieses Land bekannt. Wir werden versuchen, Versandmethoden zu finden und Sie über das Ergebnis unter Angabe der Versandkosten informieren. </p>Bei Fragen sind wir jederzeit für Sie da: Schreiben Sie einfach an [{ $shop->oxshops__oxorderemail->value }]! <br />\r\n<br />', 'your order (other country)', '<p>Thank you for your order!</p>\r\n<p><strong><span style="color: #ff0000">Information:</span></strong> Currently, there is no shipping method defined for your country. We will find a method to deliver the goods you purchased and will inform you as soon as possible.</p>\r\n<p>If you have any requests, don''t hesitate to contact us! [{ $shop->oxshops__oxorderemail->value }]</p>', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_EMAILS', ''),
('c8d45408c5c39ea22.75925645', 'oxuserordernpplainemail', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'Ihre Bestellung (Fremdländer) Plain', 'Vielen Dank für Ihre Bestellung!\r\n\r\nHinweis: Derzeit ist uns keine Versandmethode für dieses Land bekannt. Wir werden versuchen, Versandmethoden zu finden und Sie über das Ergebnis unter Angabe der Versandkosten informieren.\r\n\r\nBei Fragen sind wir jederzeit für Sie da: Schreiben Sie einfach an [{ $shop->oxshops__oxorderemail->value }]!', 'your order plain (other country)', 'Thank you for your order!\r\nInformation: Currently, there is no shipping method defined for your country. We will find a method to deliver the goods you purchased and will inform you as soon as possible.\r\n\r\nIf you have any requests don''t hesitate to contact us! [{ $shop->oxshops__oxorderemail->value }]', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_EMAILS', ''),
('ad542e49b08c65017.19848749', 'oxuserorderplainemail', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'Ihre Bestellung Plain', 'Vielen Dank für Ihre Bestellung!\r\n\r\nNachfolgend haben wir zur Kontrolle Ihre Bestellung noch einmal aufgelistet.\r\nBei Fragen sind wir jederzeit für Sie da: Schreiben Sie einfach an [{ $shop->oxshops__oxorderemail->value }]!', 'your order plain', 'Thank you for your order!\r\n\r\nBelow we have listed your order.\r\nIf you have any questions, don''t hesitate to drop us an e-mail [{ $shop->oxshops__oxorderemail->value }]!', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_EMAILS', ''),
('ad542e49541c1add', 'oxupdatepassinfoemail', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 'Ihr Passwort im eShop', 'Hallo [{ $user->oxuser__oxsal->value|oxmultilangsal }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxfname->value }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxlname->value }],\r\n<br /><br />\r\nöffnen Sie den folgenden Link, um ein neues Passwort für [{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->value }] einzurichten:\r\n<br /><br />\r\n<a href="[{ $oViewConf->getBaseDir() }]index.php?cl=forgotpwd&uid=[{ $user->getUpdateId() }]&lang=[{ $oViewConf->getActLanguageId() }]&shp=[{ $shop->oxshops__oxid->value }]">[{ $oViewConf->getBaseDir() }]index.php?cl=forgotpwd&uid=[{ $user->getUpdateId()}]&lang=[{ $oViewConf->getActLanguageId() }]&shp=[{ $shop->oxshops__oxid->value }]</a>\r\n<br /><br />\r\nDiesen Link können Sie innerhalb der nächsten [{ $user->getUpdateLinkTerm()/3600 }] Stunden aufrufen.\r\n<br /><br />\r\nIhr [{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->value }] Team\r\n<br />', 'password update info', 'Hello [{ $user->oxuser__oxsal->value|oxmultilangsal }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxfname->value }] [{ $user->oxuser__oxlname->value }],<br />\r\n<br />\r\nfollow this link to generate a new password for [{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->value }]:<br />\r\n<br /><a href="[{ $oViewConf->getBaseDir() }]index.php?cl=forgotpwd&uid=[{ $user->getUpdateId() }]&lang=[{ $oViewConf->getActLanguageId() }]&shp=[{ $shop->oxshops__oxid->value }]">[{ $oViewConf->getBaseDir() }]index.php?cl=forgotpwd&uid=[{ $user->getUpdateId()}]&lang=[{ $oViewConf->getActLanguageId() }]&shp=[{ $shop->oxshops__oxid->value }]</a><br />\r\n<br />\r\nYou can use this link within the next [{ $user->getUpdateLinkTerm()/3600 }] hours.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nYour [{ $shop->oxshops__oxname->value }] team<br />', 1, '', '', 1, '', '', '30e44ab83fdee7564.23264141', 'CMSFOLDER_EMAILS', ''),
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