Hello ! Does someone knows or can recommend a module/extension that can allow credit card payment with Braintree on Oxid Eshop version 4.8 ? And no coding, easy to set up ? Or maybe a developer that we can hire to set it up ? Thanks a lot
I never used braintree with OXID, but maybe this will work? https://www.sellxed.com/shop/en/eur/oxid-esales-braintree-zahlungs-extension.html
Alright, here’s some more information you mightn’t be aware as it was discussed only in the FB group and PMs so far:
- it is about OXID eShop Community Edition 4.8.3,
- the shop is based in Austria serving clients to speak German an French,
- the shop already offers PayPal (to proceed credit card payments),
- the thread opener, @cat91130, was requested by her boss to implement real credit card payment,
- apparently, there’s already an existing contract with Braintree as an acquirer,
- the thread opener, @cat91130, wonders if there’s an existing interface as a module for Braintree for zero or less costs then sellxed offers (I know - which is completely contrary to her statement “Or maybe a developer that we can hire to set it up”).
IMO, they’re looking for a payment provider that is able to cover credit card payments from Austria, France and/or maybe some other German and French native audience in several countries (Switzerland?). Does anybody of you guys know a possible solution?
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