Oxid PayPal Plus module problem


Initially I installed PayPal Plus (oxpspaypalplus_v1.0.5a) module on my working OXID CE 4.8.4 and received error messages.
Then I tried to install PayPal Plus module on freshly installed OXID CE 4.9.4.
After activation I receive this error message all over frontend:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /domains/abc/public_html/def/modules/oxps/paypalplus/metadata.php:1) in /domains/abc/public_html/def/core/oxutils.php on line 1133

I found a similar thread on German forum but with no solution yet.

Anyone there with a working OXID CE with PayPal Plus module?

thanks in advance

I’ve just found a solution for this problem on german forum: the metadata.php file is encoded in UTF-8 with BOM but should be without BOM. I’ve just converted it to UTF-8 without BOM in Notepad++ editor and uploaded it.

Now there is another problem: in Checkout under PayPal Plus payment method there are two errors (see also attached screenshot):

Top next link “a#orderStep” is not present on template. Check variable “sNextStepLink” on “oxpspaypalpluswall.tpl” and module setting “oxpsPayPalPlusNextLink”.
Module settings are on page “eShop Admin > Extensions > Settings > PayPal Plus > PayPal Plus Integration Settings”


Sorry, PayPal Plus is currently not available.
Please update Your basket and try again or contact shop administrator.

I think you must anew download modules to server and unpack files modules on server. May be when you upload the module to site your a FTP client smash files encoding.

thanks for your suggestion
do you have a working installation of this PayPal Plus module version oxpspaypalplus_v1.0.5a ?

Anyone out there with a working installation of PayPal Plus module version oxpspaypalplus_v1.0.5a ?

Not sure if 1.0.5a but there are couple of people with working pp+

thanks, can you please verify if they are working with the latest version (the only one available on OXID exchange) - are you able to contact the actual developers?

it’s very frustrating to unsuccessfully try to work with a published software with no one confirming 100% that it is actually a working version

the fact that OXID is still offering it in OXID Exchange means, I suppose, that I have a problem with my configuration